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The man wouldn't stop screaming. Or try to, given the gag put in his mouth. He was muttering something that sounded like "Please, please, I'll give you anything!"

The Viper had tied him up to a chair to stop him from squirming like a fish. Seriously, she was going to cut off his tongue if he didn't shut up. "Will you stop yelling? Just tell me where the money is, and you'll be fine" she said, keeping the gun pointed at his head.

She didn't have time to waste, she had to be at the Bank in two hours, and needed a shower desperately. What was it with Derek and asking her to do this job? He had other assassins who could have done it.

"I don't know, I swear!" the man cried. "Please! I beg you!" he continued, looking at her with pleading eyes.

The Viper gave him a vicious smile, brushing the gun barrel against the sweaty forehead of her victim. "I love hearing men beg. But, I love it more when they collaborate. Tell me where the money is, and I won't kill you. Hmm?" she lied. This man was going to die either way, and she actually already knew where the money Derek was looking for was. The idiot had hidden it in a safe behind a portrait in his room. Literally the first place a thief would look into. Idiot.

Still, she needed the man to confess and tell her the code. Helen could pick locks perfectly fine, and there were many other thieves working for Derek that were just as capable, but it was boring and took a lot of time. Having the code would make it a hundred times easier.

"I don't know!" he kept screaming.

Helen rolled her eyes. "Oh, for fuck's sake." She hit the man's temple with the back of her gun, dark blood drooling down. "Just give me the goddamn code. You're wasting my time."

"I- I-"

"I- I- I- You what? Christ," she mocked him. She was having enough of this idiot. He was going to die any minute now, and it wasn't going to be pleasant.

"I swear I-"

Helen gripped her gun tightly, pulling down the safe. "Alright, that's it. Bye-bye, Mr. Coward," she was about to pull the trigger, when her phone rang. With an annoyed sigh, she lowered her weapon. "Lucky asshole," she muttered. Helen looked at the number calling her. Shit. "Speak, and I'll make your death last days. Got it?"

The man nodded frenetically.

"Good." She accepted the call. "Mr. Warren, good morning!" she said with an excited voice.

"Good morning, Ms. Donovan," he answered less enthusiastic. Dick. "I was wondering if you could come in a little earlier. Let's say, seven thirty?" he asked.

Helen glanced at the watch on the man's wrist. He was shaking, but he stayed silent. It was six fifteen in the morning. "Yes, that should be fine," she told Warren. Inside, she was dying. She just wanted to sleep in for one night. Just one. And instead she'd had to go on this mission and stay awake all night. And yesterday had been the same, because she'd had to spy on this guy and find the safe, before she could kidnap him.

"Very well. May I ask why you're awake at this time in the morning?" Dean curiously questioned, looking at the first lights in the city's sky. He truly did have the best view from that floor. He wondered where she was right now, while he was already in the office.

Helen swallowed down a rude answer. "Jogging," she simply stated, trying to sound convincing.

"I see. Would you have time for breakfast at The Sundial in...twenty minutes or so?" he proposed, then frowned to himself. What was he thinking? He had had breakfast, and he was not even a fan of public cafes like the Sundial. Dean brushed a hand on his tired face. He thought he should trim his beard.

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