Chapter 2 - The secret

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We went on the early school bus, oh my god I am blessed he was on the bus! He was in front of me. But then I remember the texts he sent me before the Christmas holidays telling me that he's in love with my closest best friend and its Khloe... What a shock isn't it.
But it's not the time to think about these things now, Khloe wants to talk to me about something serious, so I have to focus on that reason and that reason only.

"Alice, I need you to be honest. ok?"
Khloe asked suspiciously
"Well of course I'm always honest, you already know that"
I replied like I had no worries on me, but I did... See Khloe doesn't know I like Anthony, I just don't want to make things more awkward because she already knows Anthony likes her.
"Um Alice... Are you listening, HELLO! Alice what are you staring at?"
"Em w-what...what, oh sorry you know me! Just looking at weird things"
"Sure you are!"
Khloe said instantly with a pissed off look
"So Alice, I need to tell you something"
"Yeah go on tell me then"
"Well y-y-you know Anthony"
"Yeah why?"
"You know I've been keeping this a secret from you for a long time now"
"Wait! What secret?"
I replied while thinking and hoping that the secret can't be about Anthony and her, or could it.
"Well you see, I was going out with Anthony from when he told me he liked me, I'm just wondering if your mad because I lied to you and the rest?"
"What! Me mad... Why you think that? Khloe I'm happy for you. And plus I always knew you two would get together"
"Oh thank you Alice your the best, your the only one I told, Anthony knows I told you, he said it's ok for you to know because he trusts you too, so for now just act the same as you are and don't tell the rest for now ok!"
"Ok ok i Won't"
But after that I was just bursting my music out loud on my earphones because I was too hurt to say anything else, I had to act like I was ok with it, because it's for the best. I felt my heart stop beating for a second or two... A nice way to start my day isn't it! Well no!!! Of course not... I'm hurt to the core this time and I have to manage this in first period, you gotta be kidding me.

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