Gokul x Sean(aka Shawn)

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... Sean from this chapter is the same person as Shawn from the last chapter. It turns out his name sounds like Shawn but is spelled like Sean... Ew- Anyways, enjoy!

Sean P.O.V:

I flushed. Ms. H had just made a joke about me and Gokul dating to the class. She had quickly followed it us by saying she wouldn't care if we were but I was still embarrassed.

I kept thinking about it throughout the entire class and the more it crossed my mind, the redder my face became under my mask. Shoving back from my desk quickly, Gokul jumped and I stood up. " Can I go to the bathroom Miss? " I called to my teacher. She looked up and smiled while nodding.

I signed out quickly and ran down the hallway to the bathroom. Slipping inside, I ignored the one other boy who was in there and locked myself in the big stall. I pulled my mask down to my chin and let out a small gasp. My face felt hot and my legs shook as I lowered myself onto the edge of the toilet.

Covering my face with my hands, I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut. I heard the other boy wash his hands and leave the restroom. I sat there for a while, basking in the silence and going over my thoughts. A pair of footsteps made themselves known and there was a soft knock at the door of my stall.

" Occupied! " I called out, annoyed that this person couldn't choose any other stall than my own. " Sean? Are you in there? Ms.H asked me to come check on you, you've been in here for 20 minutes. " My blood ran cold and my breath caught in my throat. It was Gokul.

I tried to think of something to say but in that moment, words failed me. " Sean? Are you ok? " My lips curled. " I-I'm f-fine... " I stuttered. So convincing Sean. Great job. Gokul shuffled his feet and I saw him inch closer to the door. " Well, it doesn't sound like it. Can you open the door? " I stayed put and didn't say a word.

" Sean... " He sighed. " Gokul... " I mocked back. The door remained closed. " Sean, I just want to help, please. " I shook my head even though he couldn't see. " P-Please Gokul... Leave me alone. I'm fine. " My friend growled. " Sean. I'm not asking anymore. Open. This. Door. Now! " He shouted. A few tears pricked my eyes but I quickly wiped them away with the back of my hand.

I stood up slowly and walked over to the stall door, laying my hand on the lock. I hesitated before unlocking it and throwing the door open. Gokul stood there, staring. I stared back, unsure of what to say. " I- " " Are- " We cut each other off. My face flushed. " S-Sorry. You go ahead. " Gokul said, breaking eye contact with me. I waved my hands around. " No, no, no! I cut you off, you go ahead. "

There was a deafening silence before I made a move. Grabbing the collar of Gokul's shirt, I dragged him into the stall and locked the door again. " Woah, woah, woah!!! " The shorter boy shouted, his eyes widening in shock and his cheeks flushed. I turned back to him and looked at the floor.

Gokul didn't say anything for a while. " Look Sean, the things Ms.H said, they don't mean anything, I promise. We're still friends. It was a joke and she probably didn't mean anything by it, ok? " For some reason, his words stung and I turned away from him.

I felt his hand rest on my shoulder and I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand again. " S-Sean?! Are you crying? " Sniffling, I covered my face with my palms in shame. " Hey, hey... It's going to be alright... " Gokul cooed, wrapping his arms around me and tugging me closer to his chest. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and let out a shuddered breath.

" Sea- " I lifted my hand and placed it over his mouth, cutting off his sentence. " Mphf! " He made a sound. I peaked up at him and gave him a small smile. He stopped struggling and relaxed. Carefully, I removed my hand and before he could say another word, I connected our lips.

He gasped into my mouth and his hands flew to my cheeks, pressing into me. My hands fluttered down to his waist and tried to steady myself as Gokul leaned in harder and tilted his head. We kissed and kissed, only coming up for air for a few seconds before diving right back in.

When we finally broke apart, Gokul had put his entire weight on me and I was practically carrying him, still trying to keep myself from toppling over. There were a few beats of silence, only filled by the sounds of gasping and swallowing for air. I opened my mouth to say something but Gokul beat me to it. " W-Wow... Sean, that was... amazing. Just, wow... " He said breathlessly. I grinned down at him and placed another kiss on his cheek.

He quickly stood up and I rolled my shoulders before taking a step closer to loom over him. Gokul laughed and placed his hands against my chest. He tilted his head up and I leaned down. Our faces inched closer and closer till we were millimeters apart. Gokul made a move to kiss me but a voice rung out. " Gokul? Sean? Are you in here? "

Fuuuuuudge. It was Conner. Clearing my throat, I spoke up. " Y-Yeah? We're in here! " Conner walked over to our stall and I saw hit feet outside the door. " Are you both in the same stall?? " Our friend asked in confusion. I glanced over at Gokul and we both flushed. " Yeah... " Gokul said. " Um, ok, well... Ms.H is wondering where you are. You guys have been in there for close to fifteen minutes. Can you open the door? "

I took one more look at Gokul before reluctantly unlocking the stall and facing Conner. He looked at me, then he looked at Gokul, then back at me, and at Gokul again. " Wait- " His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. I rubbed the back of my neck and laughed nervously. He gasped some more before coughing. " I won't tell, I promise. " Gokul smiled in relief and reached for my hand.

" Thanks Conner. " As he was walking out though, he looked back at us and wiggled his eyebrows. My face turned crimson and I looked away. Gokul went on his tippy toes and wrapped his arms around my neck. " Don't mind him, Sean. He's just being stupid. " He whispered, lightly nipping at my ear lobe. I bit my lip and nodded. " We better head off to class... " I mumbled, pushing him away gently. Gokul rolled his eyes but reluctantly agreed. Hand in hand, we walked back to the classroom, our faces as red as tomatoes.

" I love you. " I whispered, scooching my hand across the desk to intertwined with his. " I love you too... "

This took me so many bus rides to write. Lol. Byeeee.


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