Chapter 24

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As soon as Harry walked through the doors of the potions shop, he was met with the stench of hundreds of different ingredients. He tried to gather his required supplies as quickly as possible. He never liked lingering in this particular shop for too long. It gave him the creeps.

Harry was just picking up the last item on his list, lizard legs when, "Mr. Potter, I do believe that if you were to look at the instructions for your assignment more carefully you would see that it requires lizard hearts, and not lizard legs."

Harry had to keep himself from glaring as he turned around. "Good afternoon Professor Snape."

Snape looked down at the boy before him. Oh, how much he looked like his father. However, his father at this point would have been at least 5'5. But yet, he couldn't dwell on his father's appearance when he looked into those green eyes. Oh, Lily how he had failed her...

Harry stared up at his professor as he was seemingly lost in thought. He debated with himself on whether or not it would be rude for him to simply walk away. He finally decided that he should just bite the bullet and try to be pleasant. "So... how has your professor been professor?"

This seemed to bring Snape out of his thoughts as he looked back down at Harry. "Ah... oh yes... the break has given me the time I require to get things ready for the next semester. I..." he could not believe he was about to say this to the son of James Potter, but he couldn't live with himself if he let him go unsaid. "Mr. Potter I... I'm afraid I've misjudged you..."

Harry looked down; no wonder Snape was acting so weird. "So, Professor Dumbledore told you..."

"Yes." He nodded solemnly, "He has informed all of your professors so that they may be better... prepared. In case you require assistance."

Harry frowned at him, "Look, sir, if you've come to make fun of me, I'm really not in the mood for it."

Snape's eyes widened. Had he really treated the boy so badly that his first assumption would be that he had come to criticize him? Snape took on a gentler voice as he looked back at Harry. "Dear boy... I would do no such thing. I... wanted to... apologize to you. For the way, I have treated you over the years. It is no secret that I resented your father. And I assumed that your family was spoiling and coddling you in the same way that his parents had done to him. I took out that animosity on you, and that was unfair. If I had known what was really going on... I would not have judged you so harshly. Is it possible that we may... start over?"

Harry stared up at him in shock. He could hardly believe the words that he was hearing. "I... yes sir. I would like them very much..."

Snape gave him the faintest of smiles, "I am glad to hear it. I look forward to seeing what you will accomplish this year."

Harry chuckled, "If it's all the same to you professor, I'd really rather have a less exciting year this time around."

"Yes, I suppose you would." Snape smirked, "Well, I really should be going. I still have much to do. And... Harry... if you... ever need anything, I am... personally aware of the kind of situation you grew up in..."

Before Harry had a chance to respond, he had already turned and left. What had just happened... 

(A/N - Hey guys, thanks for reading! Just one more chapter! I hope you've liked it. :) See you next week.)

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