Chapter 23

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After breakfast, Harry noticed that things started to become a little peculiar. Ron told him that he and his dad had to run an errand to the ministry, so they wouldn't be home until later that evening. Fred and George said that they were going to be over at a friend's house, so they wouldn't be home either. Then, Mrs. Weasley informed them that she was going to be throwing a baby shower for one of her friends that evening, with Ginny's help, so she didn't want anyone at the Burrow. This left Harry with the three oldest Weasleys.

"Would you all like to make a trip to Diagon Alley?" Bill asked.

"Sure!" Charlie smiled, "I could use a stop by Ollivander's. Last month I got a crack in my wand trying to tame a particularly feisty dragon, so it could use a repair."

Percy nodded, "That's works for me. I actually needed to pick up a book at Flourish and Blotts anyway."

Bill looked down at Harry who just gave him a nod. "Then it's settled! Let's head out!"

The first stop on their list was Gringotts. Bill said that he had something to deliver from the Egyptian branch, so they all stopped by with him.

Charlie glared up at the building as they waited outside. "I can't believe they keep a poor innocent dragon locked up in this place."

Percy just rolled his eyes, "For the five hundredth time, that is just a rumor! There's no proof that they have a dragon locked up in Gringotts!"

"But there's also no proof that they don't have one!" he countered.

Percy facepalmed, "That doesn't even make any sense..."

Harry chuckled at their antics. For them being the more "mature" of the Weasley children, they sure didn't show it all that often.

"Sorry about the wait," Bill walked down the steps of the wizarding bank "Harry, are there any particular shops you would like to stop at while we're here?"

He thought about it for a moment, "I wouldn't mind stopping by Eyelop's Owl Emporium to pick up some treats for Hedwig and Errol."

"That's right!" Charlie snapped his fingers. "I almost forgot, mum asked me to pick up a new cage for the old bird."

"What happened to his old one?" Percy asked with curiosity.

Harry smiled, "Ron told me that Fred and George used it to test some explosives. When they tried to fix it after it blew up, all they were left with was a bucket of molten metal." The three laughed at their younger brother's antics.

"Wait a second!" Bill turned to Charlie. "Speaking of Errol, you owe me 3 galleons!"

"Oh, all right..." he dug the coins out of his pocket.

Harry looked at them in confusion, "Why does he owe you money?"

"They made a bet," Percy explained. "Charlie bet that Errol would be dead before Ron's third year ended, while Bill believes that he won't keel over until after Ron has started his fifth year."

"Did you make a bet?" Harry asked.

He shook his head, "I don't think the old codger is ever going to die so I didn't see a point in wasting my money on it." The two laughed as they continued down the street.

After making several more stops, the three shared a knowing glance before Bill looked down at Harry. "We need to make a quick stop down... Knockturn Alley... are you ok on your own for a bit?"

Harry nodded in understanding, "Yeah I'll be fine. I'll just be in Slug and Jigger's Apothecary. I need a few ingredients to help me with my potions homework."

"Sounds good." Charlie patted him on the back. "When we get back, we'll stop by Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour before we head home."

Harry nodded, watching them as they walked off. Once he saw them turn a corner, he headed off towards his own destination. Little did he know, the three red heads immediately stuck their heads back around the corner and snuck off towards Quality Quidditch Supplies.

(A/N - Hey guys, thanks for reading! I hope you like it!)

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