ten | after it all

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Six years later

Ophelia sat at the dining table, finishing up what looked like several reports for what Kate presumed were for the new arrivals at the shelter. She closed the door with a 'click' behind her, and wrapped her arms around the huntress' shoulders from behind, resting her chin on the latter's shoulder. "Hey, doll." She whispered. Ophelia placed her hand on Kate's, which were interlocked right above her chest, the right hand gripping the left wrist. "Hello, love." She smiled, turning around in her seat to look at the archer. "Long day?" Asked Kate, sitting down with a sigh. "When is it not one?" Joked the huntress tiredly.

Kate laughed at her wife's feeble attempt at being amusing, and was about to say something when two little voices piped up from behind, "Mommy!" Their 6-year-old daughter and son, Avyanna and Cadmus, squealed and ran towards Kate. The pair sat on the archer's lap, giving her a hug. "Aww, my babies." She grinned, squeezing them slightly. "Did you guys trouble Mummy, or not?"

"We didn't trouble her at all, Momma." Giggled Avyanna, her slight British accent mangling a bit of the sentence. Cadmus grinned and nodded. Ophelia stood up and lifted him in her arms, "No, they didn't bother Mummy even the slightest." As she nuzzled his neck gently, he giggled and said, "Mummy, stop, that tickles!" At that, Lucky barked and ran in the room from where he'd been sleeping, his tail wagging like the blades of a helicopter as his eye rested on Kate. He bounded over to her, and barked happily, making Cadmus giggle from Ophelia's arms.

Kate put Avyanna down, who ran to her other mother and latched herself on the huntress' leg, desperate for some sort of attention. Ophelia sat down, and caressed the girl's soft jet-black locks, grinning broadly as she watched the archer interact with their overexcited dog.

After a few moments, Kate turned to her wife and leaned her arms on the table, saying, "Let's go out for dinner today. It's a Friday, so I'm pretty sure Av and Cade don't have school tomorrow." The huntress took off her reading glasses, and massaged the bridge of her nose where they'd been moments ago after placing Cadmus securely on her lap. She hummed in contemplation, as Avyanna and Cadmus pleaded, "Mummy please can we go out for dinner tonight? Please?" The two six year olds gave her their best puppy eyes, while Kate mimicked them, "Please, Mummy can we go out for dinner? Please?" She smirked when Ophelia kicked her shin under the table gently as a warning, but her silver eyes glinted with humor.

"Oh, alright." She rolled her eyes playfully, "Let's go out for dinner tonight. I'm to tired to cook. As are you, Kate, I assume?" She raised an eyebrow at the seated archer who was smirking triumphantly. "And wipe that smirk off your face, missy, or I'll punish you in my own way." She winked, leaving Kate dumbstruck.

The huntress promptly turned to the twins, and said, "Av, Cade, you two go pull on your shoes." Giggling as they chased each other, Avyanna and Cadmus both ran off in search for their shoes as Ophelia stood behind Kate, leaning down to whisper in the archer's ear, "In all honesty, I'd say you're up for a bit of fun tonight, are you?" Kate shuddered at the huntress' voice, and felt herself loosen out as Ophelia's ringed and pale fingers trailed down the younger woman's arm.

"In a way," Giggled Kate, pecking the older woman's lips before standing up. She grabbed her long evening coat, only to feel a pair of long arms wrap around her waist as Ophelia hugged her from behind. The huntress kissed down the latter's neck lovingly, without a hint of lust in it. Kate leaned into her touch, which just happened to be light and reassuring as a feather in a warm summer breeze.

"Mummy!" Squealed Avyanna, standing a few feet away, Lucky by her side. Cade giggled and said, "Mummy and Momma were having a moment." Kate's jaw dropped as she laughed, and Ophelia asked, "Where did you learn that statement from, Cade?" Grinning, the little boy replied, "Auntie Asterin used it the other day!" Ophelia muttered, "Oh, Asterin, I will most certainly kill you now."

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