five | enemies

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Esmeray pulled her hood up upon noticing a car in her pursuit. She merged into a group of bustling businesspeople, letting their hurried footsteps aid her in making it to her apartment building without being noticed. She turned down alleyways which led to places only she knew of, and went past buildings she alone found familiar and as landmarks.

Every shift in the polluted air and every shadow which moved made her hair stand on end, and she didn't want to risk shapeshifting as well, in case her Marks showed. She decided against every possible easy way out, and continued her walk towards her residing place.

She clambered up a set of rusted stairs, ignoring the faint smell of cigarettes coming from the several rebellious colege students who lived in that beat up apartment building.

She finally reached her house, and unlocked the door, placing her keys on the table next to it as she entered. She tossed her coat with such precision, it landed on the coat rack unharmed.

Sighing in mild annoyance at the state of her favourite thing, with its stained black fabric with several holes and snags here and there, it looked worse than the coat of a homeless person.

Just as she sat down, picking up her favourite book, the lights went out with a 'click'. Exclamations of anger were heard from the other tenants, but Esmeray said nothing. She placed her book down calmly, her brown eyes darting around the house. Despite there being no light, the flickering street lamps provided just enough illumination for her to see.

She crept over to the sink, opening the cabinet beneath it to retrieve her sword. The silver blade reflected her surroundings perfectly, especially her brown eyes which she didn't realise were so fearful, like a rabbit's eyes when cornered by a fox with no way out.

She placed the sword down, and hovered her hand over the rune-covered silver of the blade. As she did so, wisps of white, smoky magic extended their welcoming tendrils towards the runes, powering the sword up. The tendrils snaked their was around the sharp silver of the sword, activating each rune as it passed.

'Tenebris.' Esmeray whispered, activating the deadly power within it. She heard a click, and immediately hid, creeping towards her room and going up into the loft. She'd made a system, where she could climb up on her rickety bed and leap into the loft. She did so and carefully shut the loft door, pulling out her phone as she did so.

"Hello?" Came Yelena's curious voice. Esmeray felt her heart break that she couldn't stay longer to give the assassin comfort of a real mother, but regained composure as she replied, "Yelena, listen, I need you to get Felita on the line. Now." Probably startled by the panic and urgency in her voice, Yelena stuttered, "Um, y-yeah. Sure. Just a moment."

She took a deep breath, and planned what she was going to say as Ophelia's voice crackled through the phone, "Mum, it's Felita."

"Felita, it's about Asterin and Grace. Whitehall caught them when they were in Budapest, on their way to see you." Esmeray's voice cracked a bit, but she kept on, "Whitehall's men have found my residing place and they're going to catch me, too. Remember the words of the Hunt, 'Manere fidelis manere tutum.' Stay loyal, stay safe. I will see you soon, Little Star."

She heard a thump, and the loft door was ripped away, revealing a group of men with several guns, wearing the symbol of HYDRA. "Hello, boys." Esmeray chuckled, lunging at them.

She drove her sword through the first two men, letting the runes sting their wounds as she ripped the sharp sword from their chests. One grabbed her sword hand once she raised it again, regretting it when she swept her foot behind, bringing him to the ground before slamming his head into the ground violently.

𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 - 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩² ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang