Chapter 7: Motel

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Sonic: The floors were sticky, the crowd was rough...

[Sonic, energetic as ever, was bouncing eagerly on the right bed and XLR8 was standing while Rainbow was grabbing some ice and putting them each into a hand towel and Scootaloo was sitting on the right bed.]

XLR8: ...and the odds were against us.

Sonic: But there was no stopping Rainbow Sky Girl, Fruit Girl, and the two animal Blue Blurs! [Raced to the other bed then and XLR8 did the same and sat down] Scratch another one off my list. [Scratches off the item on his bucket list.]

[After driving away from the piston pit, Sonic, XLR8, Scotaloo, and Rainbow Dash are staying at a motel for the night.]

Rainbow Dash: [Sits down on the bed next to Scootaloo while Sonic, XLR8, sits on the other one] You two are weird little dudes.

Scootaloo: But you both still haven't explained how you two run so fast! Normally, it's impossible for living creatures to go that fast!

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, not to mention you two caused all that mess back at the bar... within half a second.

Sonic: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not sure either. I have had this power since I was born, so it felt natural to me. Though, I suppose the best way to describe it... it's like I can suddenly make everything around me stop time in an instinct while I'm moving so fast.

Scootaloo: Like... pausing a TV show?

Sonic: Well, yes, and actually no. While everything and everyone around me seemed like they stopped, they can still technically move but really, really slow.

Rainbow Dash: Wow.

Scootaloo: What about you, XLR8?

XLR8: Well, me... I actually have a power that's similar to Sonic's. And like him, I can accelerate so quickly that time appears to gradually slow down around me. Like everything is in slow-motion.

Scootaloo: Wow! That is awesome too.

[Rainbow hands Sonic an ice pack towel and he takes it. Rainbow pressed her icepack on her left cheek, grunting a little. Sonic starts imitating Rainbow as she tends to her bruises. This goes on for a long moment.]

Rainbow Dash: Okay, stop it.

Sonic: So, what are we gonna do now?!

Scootaloo: Yeah! Are we gonna do something fun?

Rainbow Dash: I'm gonna pass out watching TV. You should too. [To Scootaloo] And you too, squirt.

Scootaloo: Aw...

Sonic: But this is our last night on Earth! I wanna soak up every last second!

XLR8: Yeah, me too.

Rainbow Dash: [Still tending to his bruises] Alright, well, anything you two can find to do in this room, you knock yourself out.

[Sonic glances around for a bit before he and XLR8 go all over the place in blurry afterimages of themselves. They are doing all sorts of activities like messing around with the television from the wall, spinning on a wall painting, pulling many tissues out of a box, stomping on the toilet, popping in and out of one of the dresser's drawers, holding a pillow fight with themselves, one of Sonic's after images knocked over a lamp, toilet-papered the room, and one of Sonic's after images is standing on one of the wall lights above the bed with a lampshade on his head but while balancing over the ledge. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo looked around in a frenzy in a desperate effort to keep track of him. After being in the bathroom a second later, Sonic sped back to his bed, wearing towels on his head and body, and slippers on his feet. XLR8 on the other hand was wearing a white robe and slippers on his feet too.]

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