Run Away

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 The day started as ordinary as any other. You woke, got ready for the day, went to help your parents in the bakery, which you had slowly begun to start doing as your parents got older in age. You greeted your customers with the warmth of the sun, coaxing them into buying more products than they originally planned on buying when they came in, joking around with the kids that came through. Many of them tried to beg you for sweets, which you lovingly refused to do. Many of them had you bend down so they could kiss your cheek, which confused you greatly, before you realized many of them had been directed to you by Camilo and Antonio, which made you roll your eyes fondly every time another kid asked you to lean over. You knew Camilo was busy that day from the two of you talking the night before, so if you had to guess, this was probably his way of trying to share his affection with you even when he could be there.

He was too sweet for his own good, though you certainly weren't about to complain.

It was a bit of a tiring job, if only because you had to spend much of it working with the ovens in the back, the heat causing your head to go slightly fuzzy. The people who came through were polite and kind, feeding off of your positive energy as you greeted them, many of them asking where your boyfriend was, surprised that he wasn't there with you when they walked in. You tried to imagine what it would be like having Camilo working in the bakery with you, hiding giggles as you imagined the astonishment on his face as he learned how to bake properly. His genuine curiosity and wonder made your heart warm just from the thought of it. Many aspects of your life that you had grown used to made his eyes sparkle with excitement, having never experienced many of them before from the slightly sheltered life he led.

"Oy, señora!" one man shouted at you from outside the bakery, making your head snap up as you walked to the front of the bakery, poking your head outside in confusion.

"Yes?" you called, an older man immediately addressing you.

"My wife told me to come give this to you as a thanks for looking out for the kids," the man explained as he handed you an envelope, neatly lettered and sealed. You smiled kindly at him.

"Gracias, señor," you replied, accepting the envelope as you waited for him to say his other piece.

"She also told me to ask you about your plans for the wedding, she likes to make decorations and wanted to offer to help where she can," he continued, and you paused, your brows furrowing in confusion.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but I don't know anything about any wedding plans," you started slowly, and the man scoffed.

"You and that Madrigal boy haven't decided to settle down yet? What are you waiting for?" he asked, causing a deep blush to spread across your cheeks.

"I- Dolores just got married not that long ago! I think me and Camilo are granted some time here before we even think about marriage," you sputtered, very clearly flustered. The man simply shrugged.

"Well, my statement still stands. My wife is first in line for making decorations when they event eventually happens," he stated, before tipping his hat and walking away, leaving you standing there with deep red cheeks and hands barely holding onto the letter in your hands. Slowly, almost dazedly, you made your way back into the bakery, setting the letter down carefully on the counter. You knew most of the town was rooting for you and Camilo, but you hadn't considered that people might be waiting for you guys to get married so soon. It had only been a few months since you began dating!

"Dios mío," you breathed out, rubbing your forehead before returning to the task at hand. You would have to contemplate this turn of events later. You had a job to do, after all, and you had promised Camilo a date once the day was done. You couldn't allow yourself to be distracted by his words.

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