03- Whatever he wants to be, he will be

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It had been a week since the news of All Might having a son was leaked. Many things had gone down since then, from Toshinori and Yue being extra protective, to the two interns families getting closure money. But the one who reaped the most benefits from all this was our little protagonist.

"Who knew I'd get so much faith value just from people knowing I exist..."

His faith energy bloodline awakened after the incident. He had to say, people's belief in All Might was really too much. He hadn't even done anything to prove himself yet but a large amount of people still believed in him just because he was related to his old man.

Arthur obediently spent the last few days in his crib not at all annoyed by his parents over protectiveness. He was too busy meditating and absorbing the faith energy around him to care honestly. His reserves have gone up a lot in a short amount of time, but once compared to his previous crystal core, it really wasn't comparable.

But then again, he isn't even one yet. If things kept going like this he'd most likely surpass his previous reserves just in time for the UA entrance exam.

Whiles Arthur was busy meditating, Toshinori and Yue made their way to the press conference, leaving him in the care of Nighteye.


Press Conference.

All Might, The number one hero and Yue Storm, princess of the storm clan made their way towards the podium.

Once the press saw Lady Yue, they were shocked and the questions they had instantly increased.

Yue currently sits at number one on 'the most powerful female quirk user' list. She possesses both wind and lightning quirks at her disposal. Although she chose not to go into hero work in the end, her quirks firepower really shouldn't be underestimated. 

Such a woman had a child with the number one hero... People on the scene and the audience watching from home couldn't help but sigh knowing that no matter what quirk Arthur awakens, it was going to be enough to top the hero list in the future.

"Yue and I have been married for a duration of four years and ten months ago we welcomed our healthy baby boy, Arthur Yagi, to the world. Due to my occupation as a hero, It would be too risky to have him being exposed to the public so soon. Unfortunately the news was leaked... However we do hope that everyone would be understanding and not do anything that might cause our son to come into harms way, such as sneaking into our residence or trying to get sneak shots of him when he simply goes out to play. He isn't even one yet."

The press nodded in understanding. Most of them were diehard All Might fans, they wouldn't go putting his blood into harms way just for a few pictures.

After All Might finished speaking, the questions from the press began.

"Why did you hide your marriage?"

Yue stepped forward at this time and answered, "To have a peaceful private life. We didn't want our relationship being monitored too early. Honestly the four years we've spent together was very lovely" She smiled as the reminisced the past and All Might smiled softly at his silly wife. 

The questions kept going back and forth for a while and towards the end, a question that made All Might stop smiling was asked.

"Will your son be a hero in the future?"

All Might had a slight frown at this but still replied honestly, "Whatever he wants to be, he will be. I will not force my own blood down a path he isn't willing to take." He sighed, "In all honesty, I really don't want him to be a hero"

The press hall fell into silence and the audience at home were just as baffled. They didn't expect this sort of answer. After all, this world had been programmed to see heroes as a the best profession. Who wouldn't want their child to be hero? 

"Why?"  The reporter asked

"Hero work is dangerous. It might look easy but that's only because the pro's try their best to put the public at ease. There's a high possibility of death once you walk out your front door. What father would I be if I willingly let my child go into hero work after experiencing the bitter truth first hand?"

The conference ended soon after that. All Might and Lady Yue left the hall and made their way back home.

Both the remaining reporters on the scene and the audience at home were in deep thoughts. All Might's words was still replaying in their minds. 

It wasn't that they didn't know hero work was dangerous but they always felt that everything would end up alright at the end of the day. But after hearing All Might say what they all subconsciously knew but chose to ignore so bluntly to their face, they suddenly felt like a spell had been lifted. 

They could see things more clearly.

Sometimes Arthur wonders if the plot was the reason behind the people of this world not taking things as serious as they should. 

Bakugo could blast a lethal explosion at his classmate and never face disciplinary action for it.

Kaminari would release a million volts of electrical discharge at his peers without even thinking of the repercussions of doing so.

Todoroki mercilessly let the zero pointers fall on the students without giving a second thought for their well being.

Whiles there was no casualty, it didn't excuse the fact that their actions were beyond reckless.

After this press conference incident, people started being more cautious and no longer pushed their children into becoming heroes like it was the only choice out there. Of course they still lusted for the hero profession but they were no longer as ignorant as before.


The Yagi Residence.

Nighteye sat beside Arthur's crib with a soft smile on his face.

He truly loved Arthur dearly and not just because he was his idol's son but also because he just couldn't help feeling relaxed and happy around the kid. Arthur had a certain aura around him that he just couldn't hate.

He wasn't sure for the reason but upon seeing the little guy resting in his crib, Nighteye couldn't help using his quirk on him.

It was just on impulse, he wasn't really expecting any ground breaking visions but what he saw really shook his soul.

He looked at the motionless kid with an intense gaze.

No one but him knew what he saw. 

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