02- All Might has a son!

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"Arthur be careful!" Arthur did not pay attention to his mother's call as he continued to run quite awkwardly into his father's skeleton arms.

Toshinori couldn't wipe the amused smirk off his face. This was the first time he'd seen his son so excited, "Can't wait to head outside?"

Arthur nodded his little repeatedly. It's been 10 months since he came to this world and he hasn't set foot out of this mansion. Being the number one hero's son sure came with a lot of restrictions. 

He felt a bit annoyed by this but he understood it had to be done. All Might has too many enemies, one slip up and my little chibi self is a goner. 

Sigh... If Lucas saw my current situation i'd never hear the end of it.

"Alright let's go" He buffed up and held his son securely in his arms as made his way to the garden.

Yue saw the father-son pair slipping away and felt another incoming headache.

'Alas, being a mother of two is not easy'


"Why did I let you talk me into this?" A dark haired dude with eccentric choice of clothing muttered in annoyance as he crawled his way through the bushes.

"Once we get that huge bonus, you'll be thanking me Sato" A green haired youth was tailing him from behind.

"Alright I think here is good enough, any closer and we'll be discovered"  Sato announced and squinted his eyes trying to capture any sign of their target. [Quirk- Eye Lens]

"Oy Kousuke! Hide our presence someone's coming" Sato hurriedly informed his partner in crime.

"On it" Kousuke immediately used his quirk to hide their presence [Quirk- Aura Concealment]

The tension in the air was heavy as they waited  for their target to show up. Their unease was understandable though. Not only did they sneak into a high class estate, they snuck into the number one hero's backyard!

They knew this was a stupid decision but the rewards were too tempting!

All Might had not been seen for a few months now. Anyone that even managed to get a picture of him would be rewarded heavily. For a bunch of newly hired interns this was a golden opportunity to keep their job secured and even get an instant promotion. They wouldn't have to slave around just to pay off their rent anymore!


Thinking of how good it would feel to throw their due money on that snobby land lady's face, they stopped hesitating and were filled with endless determination.

All Might and Arthur had no idea about the existence of the peeping toms and were looking forward to spending time outside today.

For the first time, Arthur came out of his home. He took a look around his surroundings and had to say, their home was really beautiful.

He couldn't stop gawking at the garden full of blue glittering roses. 

Toshinori noticed this and began to explain, "These are moonlight roses. They are the rarest of healing flowers and are extremely hard to find" he couldn't help sighing at how hard it was for even him to find one rose, talk less of a whole garden full of them, "And they just so happen to be your mother's favorite" 

Arthur listened to his dad go on about mom for a full ten minutes. He had to admit that his dad's love for mom was really hardcore. He wouldn't understand as he had never been in a relationship, talk less of being in love. 

Before the apocalypse he was a school grass that all the girls fawned over but he knew it was just because of his looks, not who he was and after the apocalypse arrived, one had to be wary of not only zombies but humans too. He had already begun to see romantic feelings as some kind of burden but after seeing his mom and dad, Arthur started thinking that maybe it wasn't so bad after all. Well anyways time will tell.

Reborn in MHA as All Might's sonWhere stories live. Discover now