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Todoroki POV

I can't believe it

Tomorrow is the wedding and I feel like it's not real I just can't wrap my head around it it doesn't feel real it was the morning before the wedding and shindso was showing me everything he had planned for the wedding it was traditional for our kingdom the blue and mostly red and white decor with flame shows and the ugliest clothing known to man kind

I rolled my eyes as I cringed it already as I saw shindso noticed "I know it's weird I don't like traditional weddings either but your father requested it so might as well make him happy" shindso said as he closed the book "are you sure about this you know once we make the blood ceremony we are tied forever you really have no doubts about that?" I asked as he was eating but stopped to look at me

"I did at first honestly but what more could I have the prince of one of the power fullest kingdoms then turning king right after with you on my side it's something my parents always wanted so it took away any second thoughts I had once I saw it that way besides its just a old ceremony your kingdom does in marriages now"he said smiling "yea I'm not really sure what the blood ceremony does I heard it ties us forever whatever that means but your parents what does that have to do with this?" I asked "they uh they expected a lot from me I trained as a knight following every order of your father till finally I got to be his top guard and by luck now have this opportunity my parents have never been happy with anything I've done but maybe this is just what i need to do to be like you father! Then I'll make them proud!" he said as I saw all I could see is full determination but a hint of confusion

He is doing all of this for his parents for there love? I actually thought he was as evil as my father he might be but something about him just never did seem like him he left those people and didn't push it to hurt them as my father would have killed them all himself he might have hesitated?

"Is the not food good? You stopped eating"he asked as I looked down and noticed that too"oh no just lost in thought I am about to get married tomorrow so sorry if I'm distracted" I said sarcasticly "hahaha you know something I always liked about you was your personality that sarcastic, fiesty, funny attitude" he said laughing "I thought you didn't like my 'bickering'"I asked" well it's not right for royals there isn't anyone around so it's acceptable but I do hope your not like that in front of guest or people "he said" I'll try"I answered plainly" follow me I want to show you some thing"he said as he stood up and started walking as I walked behind him

I for some reason got the feeling as if I'm being watched i turned around but saw nothing it must just be me over thinking about everything I kept walking as we passed the hall I could see outside the glass walls all the people preparing the wedding ceremony decorations like I thought the blue red and white coloring with flames shows beer tables we walked by the kingdom's kitchen where people were running around preparing food and baked goods

The the hall where they were getting it ready for the celebration after wards lastly the bedroom we would be sharing after it was all red and black with a big round bed in the middle as I walked in I noticed the blood tie knife

The one they would use to bond us together for the rest of our life's with then pass it on to our children in the future as well the same sword my father used to tie my mother to him I got disgusted just to think of it I'm not sure what the ceremony is or does really only that it ties us together but u do know my father wants it done and he's obsessed with us doing it so I guess it must be done

"This isn't really the room I wanted to show you follow me" he said we kept walking we made it to the kingdom's garden we kept walking till we made it to the clear pasture it was mostly filled with flowers then anything else till I felt the ground shake powerfully I fall on my back as I look to see if shindso was alright only to find him laughing "hahaha oh you should have seen your face!" he said as he kept laughing "you use your magic!? What happened to the cool no rule breaking knight using magic is against knight Rules"I said crossing my arms "I know I know but cmon it was funny" he said as I let out a smile"it was fun for a second I have to admit" I said as he made the ground shake again as I fell again but this time without pushing him down too

We both land side by side as we laughed "haha this is great you and me won't be so bad yknow"he said as I just remember we were getting married for me I feel like me and shindo could be great friends but of course that's not the case "I guess so" I answered I don't really have any other choice really I guess I just have to get use to the idea make the best of it

Although If I could have chosen to marry anyone it would be bakugou it will always be him "you ok? You seem pretty sad"he asked as I looked up "its nothing but you know you dont have to do this for your parents right?" I asked "what do you mean?" he asked "your parents expect so much from you being top knight of chikara is something to be proud if yknow and if they can't be proud of that what would they be proud of when you turn king what more expectations will they have for you to meet I'm just saying don't do anything for them do it for you." I said as we both sat in front of each other in the field

"Wow that really helped me actually" he said as I chuckled "wow you finally laughed!" he said "I just did a tiny bit don't get your hopes up"I responded as I then felt a embrace he was hugging me as I didn't know what to do with my hands but pat him on the back "thanks shoto your words really do mean a lot to me! And don't worry marrying you is something I also want to do for myself I've barely been thinking about being king since I got to know you really" he said

"Do you want to though?" he asked "I'm the most nicest way possible I don't really want to my heart does belong to someone else but I know I must do this for him" I answered "that dragon tribe man right"he asked as I nodded "I'm sorry about threatening them I didn't realize how much they ment to you if I could I would call this wedding off as well you really did help me notice how my parents were and stuff but now that endeavor knows the tribe exist he won't hesitate to end them if we don't get married" he said as I nodded I understand him sadly my father is a cruel man and now theres nothing we can do

"I promise I'll try my best to make you happy! And I know I can't take his spot in your heart right now or maybe I never can but I hope you can make room for me somewhere else in that big heart of yours! " he said as he held my hands together I shyly pulled back as I just smiled" yea thanks your a great man and I know you would've made a girl very happy and you do have a place in my heart all my friends and family do so don't worry "I said as we kept talking

I don't want to get married to him but if i have to to protect the dragon tribe I will that was my promise and I will complete it sadly my mother was not as fortunate to have a kind man marry her as I do he is nice and has some problems he can work through but hey he's better then my father marrying him might not be to bad

Although I did wish I could have married bakugou instead the throught that at this very moment he hates me more then anything makes my heart ache so bad I wish I could have expressed my love and sorry to him more but now i hope this proved maybe not to him but everyone just how much i love him

 𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍𝚜 (𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚝𝚘𝚍𝚘)Where stories live. Discover now