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Mina POV

After me and sho had that talk he also told me about his past about the abuse he went through and what happened to his mother we all had dinner and went to sleep I can't say I wasn't surprised by what sho told me I know he isn't a bad person at heart I can see it and he's proven it but it also doesn't mean lieing isn't something bad ahhh wish this was easier the thing is he's a prince! For crying out loud and from the chikaras kingdom the heir of the thrown

his father is the man who slaughtered many of our tribe members everytime I think about it it makes me blood boil I can't help but feel bad for sho too everything he went through sounded horrible he never had freedom in his life till now or experienced love for anything I was carrying the fabric I bought from town to ayoyama when I saw bakugou and kirishima galling out town folks cut trees

"O hey Mina what you up to"Kirishima asked me with a huge smile he was sweating gallons by the looks of it "I'm taking my new fabric to Ayoyama to fix me up some new fits"I said smiling "ooo cool don't forget to show me them you picked out some nice fabric I'm excited to see what he comes up with"he said smiling Kirishima always been a amazing friend to me he's always trying to be one to everyone

With that we said fair well since Bakugou was telling at him for slaking off and told me to not leave sho for very long I went to leave the fabric to Ayoyama and walked back to the house to see what sho's up too

Kirishima POV

After seeing Mina me and Bakugou got back to work on the trees winter was rolling in soon so it would be better if we had something to warm ourselves up for it I could tell something was bothering bakubro he seemed more hurt then mad today it's hard to tell I'm just following what my guts telling me "hey bakugou is everything alright? you seem a bit off"I asked" everything is peachy shitty hair"he said harshly and angrily cutting down more trees

" O alright well shoot is leaving in a week right? Can't believe it's almost been a month with him you two seemed to have gotten close you didn't hit him once! Thats a new record-"I was about to continue when bakugou broke his axe against a tree

" FUCK"he said he slid against the tree his breathing was unsteady I sat next to him" tell me what's wrong bakugou we've been friends since we were kids you can trust me"I said it hurt me seeing him so broken and unstable he's never been like this he's always been strong and confident for the tribe and for us so this is way outta character for him

"It's about half and half" he sighed "I-i don't know what's going on with me it hurts my heart aches to think of him leaving and never seeing him again I know it hasn't been long but there's something about him that makes me happy I guess" he said could Bakugou likes shoto? It would explain why he's been so tense lately he's never had feelings for anyone

I can see why he'd be so frustrated with this "have you thought maybe you like shoto?" I asked "I did think so I know I do that's what bothers me I only met him for a while for fuck sakes why do I feel so attached to him" he said putting his head on his knees "maybe it was love at first sight" I said laughing bakugou looks up and glares at me ok maybe the joke was to early it'll be funnier later

"Well what do you like about him"I asked nervously "well I don't know him I don't know much at least only that he was a medical worker in the bastards kingdom" bakugou said "no no not who do you like what do you like about HIM"I said

"well he's sassy,funny,determined and brave he's loyal from what I've seen he is annoying in a funny way and everytime he smiles it makes me happy or his laugh makes me feel weird but a weird I like to feel I couldn't imagine not seeing him smile ever again or hearing his laugh he's curious about everything and I mean everything for a medical guy he sure doesn't know much about the actual world the faces he makes when he's nervous or when he pouts are adorable and -"he was about to continue but I think he noticed he was smiling and noticed that I saw he was smiling

"Wow you really really like him"I said smirking "SHUT UP"he said and punched my arm "owww you didn't have to hit me"I said lying on the ground grabbing my arm "just get back to work idiot"bakugou said grabbing a new axe and cutting more trees I got up and grabbed one too hoping my arm doesn't fall of from the punch I can't believe bakugou actually like someone and this much! I hope everything turns around for the both of them I'm sure it will! And I'll help anyway I can! I said with that me and bakugou get back to work hoping we could go home soon too cause this is tireing

 𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍𝚜 (𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚝𝚘𝚍𝚘)Where stories live. Discover now