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Bakugou POV

It was not a good thing fuck what happened I just watch as shoto walks away from me he's probably heading home I didn't imagine this would go so bad I can't believe I actually confessed what I felt for him?! And that he said he'll think about it!? I mean it's not a no at least

I head home to since there's not much to do in front of a closed bakery I walk in seeing half made plates of food on the table when I see shitty hair come in "aw man Mina still hasn't put all the food out"he said while he served that last plates I yank the pot of food away from him "hey dude what's wrong?!" he asks confused probably starving I know I was too

"You lieing piece of shit" I said putting the pot on the table grabbing him from his shirt "woah ok ok I said I think I heard I wasn't sure"he said putting his hands up "you dumbass!" I yelled "wait did you actually confess?!?!" he asked "ya and it didn't end well you stupid shit"I said "what really?!??" he asked "why what happened?!" he asked we sat down at the table as I explained what happened

"Oohhh that's why Mina was talking with him"he said "fuck I really fucked up now because of YOU"I yelled "ok ok I'm sure we can fix this it wasn't a no just give him time he'll come around maybe he's never had someone confess to him before"he said eating the food Mina made

"Hm this could have used more salt"he said when he got hit in the head by Mina "it's perfect if you wanted something different ask bakugou to make it then if you hate it so much!" she said "what no it's delicious I swear the best food I've had"he said frantically "hm thought so"she said

"Wheres halfie" I asked "he fell asleep I think he will be with me tonight Ill sleep in my hamick!" she said "wait you have a hamick?!" shitty hair asked "yep just bought it"she said

"Well looks like you'll be broke soon shitty hair"I said Kiri let's himself fall dramatically as he thinks about how much Mina spends shopping maybe I was right he will end up broke

We eat dinner and Mina takes some to her room for shoto does he hate me now? Shit what if he does he doesn't even want to see or eat near me or sleep God what have I done I mentally slap myself I'm such a moron

I take a shower and get ready for bed as I was just about to close my eyes I hear a knock on my door "who is it now?!" I asked annoyed if it was shitty hair I swear he bothers me in the worst moments

"Uh it's me can I ask you something?" halfie ask "oh uh sure" I said sitting up he open the door and walks inside a bit "I uh wanted to know if you wanted to eat out together tomorrow in the afternoon"he said he wants to eat out with me and only me? Alone?

"Are you asking me out?" I asked smirking I could see shoto flinch and cross his arms "are you going to or not"he asked rolling his eyes "sure why not ugly"I said "and here I thought I was hot" he said smirking fuck I forgot I said that "shut up" I said with that he left giggling does this mean were good?

Fuck that little shit will be the end of me I swear

 𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍𝚜 (𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚝𝚘𝚍𝚘)Where stories live. Discover now