Chapter 30

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i was following ED's car when suddenly and out of nowhere a car hit me , my head hit the door but i quickly took control of the car again .

i look for ED to see him getting attacked too by a black car , i turn to find the car still next to me , the son of a bitch who was driving smirk and he was about to hit me again but i moved away just in time to miss the hit!! i look back to Harry , he was still laying there , he was getting more pale !! i need to get to ED's place , he had everything we need therre to get some blood in his body , i get away a little from the car and reach to check Harry's pulse ! fuck ! it was really weak ! suddenly i get an other hit by the car ! okay this son of a bitch is getting on my nerves ! he got me mad , and he is gonna get a taste of  my anger .

i put on my sitbelt and 1...2...3. BAMMM ! i hit him back sending him to  the other side of the road , but i stop there ! i move closer to him and hit him again ....again ...and again !!

his car was pretty fucked , and he must get the messege to not fuck with me cause he  run away to the highway .

i look to the road searching for ED's car but nothing ....OMG!! what if something happen to him !!! i can't handle someone else getting hurt because of me ! i....

.......: Hey ! you okay ?

i look out the window to see that mop of ginger hair ! thank god ! i smile

me : yeah ! you ?

him : yeah am fine ! come on follow me we need to move faster !

i nod and we speed up ! i felt something slide down my face , i touch it to see blood on my hand , i touch forehead and  feel a sharp pain , shit i guess i was busy i didn't notice that i was bleeding ! but now i didn't care ! all i cared about is getting Harry safe to ED's place , so i speed up to catch up with ED hoping we get in time .

after 5 minutes ED pulled up infront of house , it wasn't very fancy but not shit !! he run to me and i open the back door and we carry Harry's inside , he puted him in one of the empty rooms and ED run to the basement  and came back minutes later carying a big machine and some bags filled with blood !

ED : Bella open up his shirt

i rip his shirt and ED started attaching Harry to the machine .

after 5 minutes ED was done !

ED : okay so the machine will put into his body all the blood we lost !

me : i-is gonna wake up soon !

ED : i hope so!

i looked at Harry ! i hate seeing him like this ! fuck !!

ED : hey ! your bleeding

he turn my head so he can look at the wound !

me : it's nothing !

ED : you should go and get a shower then i 'll clean it for you .

ohhh ! i could use a nice hot shower right now !

me: yeah that would be great thank you .

he smile

ED : no problem love , come on follow me .

after i took a shower and put on the clothes that ED give me , i go to Harry's room , i sit next to him on the bed then take his hand in mine , and the tears start coming down

me : H-Harry , please come back to me .....please , i need you .

i put my head on his thigh and start crying , then suddely i hear

...... : d-din't i tell you i-i hate when y-you cry ....

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