part 9

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Time passes so quickly it seems. It's swallowed away in great big gulps, as if the universe was drowning and gasping for air. Before I knew it, Alex had become a distant memory. And yet he never strayed too far from a nagging portion in the back of my brain. I wanted to know what had happened to him, if he was alright. He had, after all, become a good friend to me. Even though I didn't really know anything about him. I should consider him a stranger, but I don't. At all.

 I haven't seen or heard from him in more than a year. I'm back at school and the tennis season just started.As I had feared, my coach and my doctor refused to let me play. Instead I was the water girl, only occasionally filling in for team members. I hated being on the sidelines, but hey, it was better than not being there at all.

Our school was competing against an out of state high school team. Recently, the district had come up with this program that allowed other high schools from around the country to integrate into our sports program and give us a healthier new challenge. This particular team was coming in from California. When those girls walked in, I knew the guys in the stands were trying hard not to whistle. Being athletes, they were all well toned and tanned. Some gave off the air of arrogance, others competition. Damn, I really wished I could play tonight.

It turns out that their varsity team would be mingling with ours to make 'friends'. I kind of think its funny how adults think they can make teenagers become friends with each other over a game of tennis. But whatever, it would be fun. My competitive side bounced inside me, begging to be released. After the first games on the two courts that the school had, were over, the girls, as well as the coaches took a break.

"Don't even think about it." I turned around to see David. He had walked down from the stands, obviously knowing me well enough to understand the mischievous grin on my face.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You know what. Don't give me your cute look." He scolded, trying not to break under my pout. I knew it was just a matter of time. I stared at him until he blinked, and then sighed. "Fine, go have your fun. But if you get in trouble, I'm not gonna bail you out."

"You're the best!" I grinned.

"Yeah, Yeah." He kissed my forehead. "Play it safe, will you?"

He knew, that me being me, couldn't resist playing a game against the so called superior Cali girls. Keeping an eye out for coach, I walked over to this gorgeous brunette and asked if she wanted to play a warm up game.She shrugged and agreed, walking out to the court.

I felt like she was bored, she looked distracted and kept checking her phone between serves. I mean, I wasn't bad, but still, she acted as if I was nothing. And that, just made me supremely pissed. She was looking the other way when I slammed the ball with the force of my full weight against the racket. Let's see her top that. The only problem was, it landed straight at her ankle and there was an audible snap as she fell to the floor.

But the weird thing was, she didn't even scream out. Her lips were pursed together in pain, her knuckles shone white as she squeezed her uniform. The coaches happened to walk in and immediately noticed the crippled girl. I was frozen in shock. My competitive side had really done it this time. "I...I." I stuttered, unable to form a coherent sentence as coach yelled at me. I just ran and grabbed my gym tote as she banished me from the gym. I was sure David wasn't too far behind, but all I wanted was to be alone.

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