Birthdays and Blurting

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Amy's POV

I was in the middle of getting changed when Ross walked into the bathroom.

"Get out!" I shouted.

"But I've already seen your beautiful naked body before. It's not a big deal." Ross said keeping the door open. I slipped on my demin dress and tried to close the door.

"Ross. I got changed in here so I could have some privacy." I told him. "And so I could get changed without Romeo watching me. I don't want him starring at any places he isn't allowed to. Especially where he came out of." I said rolling my eyes and gave up on the whole 'keeping Ross out of the bathoom' idea.

"Romeo. That's my name." Romeo said sitting up and smiling. I sighed and looked at my son. I clipped my necklace around my neck and picked Romeo up and kissed his head.

"Hapy Birthday baby." I smiled looking down. He was too busy sucking on the tip of my necklace.

"That's gross." Ross said disgusted. I rolled my eyes again.

"Geez, my girlfriend is moody today." Ross muttered.  

"Excuse me." I said slapping Ross' arm. "I'm moody because someone snored all night." I said pointing my finger at Ross.

"It wasn't me, I swear. It was Roe." Ross said smirking.

"Sure it was." I said pecking Ross' lips. "Anyways. Seeing were dating, secretly, you can't call me your girlfriend in public." I told him.

"Nor can I kiss you." Ross pouted disappointly. I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Maybe, we should just sit by the kid pool today. Romeo would love that. And then we could have dinner as a family." I loved hearing that. I loved hearing Ross call me his girlfriend. I'm part of his family. Stormie was right.


I sat on a lounge chair and placed my hat on my head and opened up my book. I hung onto Romeo's hearing aids in the palm of my hand.

"Hi. Is anyone sitting here?" a lady asked.

"Uhh, no." I said and gestured for her to sit down.

"Wonderful. I'm Hope." The lady said.

"Amy." I said.


"No. Amy."

"Andy?" she questioned

"No. Amy. A-m-y. Like, short for Amelia." I told her. My name is not that hard.

"Cool." she said and smiled.

"Are you here watching over your brother or sister or something?" she asked.

"Uhh." I said. She'll probably think I'm a slut or something if I tell her. "I'm here with my brothers." I told her and pointed to them. "Romeo is my younger brother. And Ross is my older brother." I said smiling. That's so weird to say.

"Ross is the older one. His kinda cute." she said licking her lips. I couldn't help but hold in my laugh. I could set you guys up or something. No wait, I can't say that. Should I tell her that it's all a joke? Hmmm.

Hope and I got along really well. She is here with her family. Her parents, her older sister and her two younger brothers. She is 22 and her sisters boyfriend is also here.

"Mommy Look." Romeo said running up to me with his arms out wide open. Well, he was exactly running, since he can't yet, just a fast pase waddle.

"Did he just call you Mommy?" Hope asked me.

"Uhh no. He can't pronouce my name correctly yet. Mommy does awfully sound a lot like Amy." I smiled picking Romeo up. "Anyways. I should get going." I said and waved good grabbing my book as I left.

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