Mama get out!

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Camilo was shocked of the way you reacted he thought you where call him gross and flip all out on him. Camilo felt powerful and went in for another kiss but. "Amigo,stay focused we still have to move the furniture in" You say pushing Camilo off to the side making him feel slightly embarrassed.


"Thanks for helping me out Camilo" You say sighing as you flop onto your bed. Camilo shuffles over to your bed and sits next to you awkwardly. "So uhm.." Camilo starts but doesn't know how to go about the topic. "About the uhm..." Camilo trails off once more before whispering "The kiss" He said with his head hung low. He was embarrassed to talk about it but Camilo had to go on. "Yeah...what about it" You asked "Y/N will you please be my boyfriend!" Camilo asks you with a beat red face gripping your hand tightly. Your eyes widen with shock at the sudden question. You never really thought of yourself to be gay but..ever since you met Camilo that thought changed. I mean you never even liked a girl before so this would make Camilo your first ever real...partner. You start to turn red and you turn away for Camilo slightly making him panic. You look back at Camilo which gives him hope and you nod agreeing to be Camilo's. Camilo smiles eyes filled with joy as you picks you up by the hips spinning you around while he kisses all over your face. "Camilo cut it out!" You say while laughing. "mwa!" Camilo says with one last kiss to the cheek. Camilo sets you down and then his face goes blank. "What's wrong Camilo?" You ask confused. You turn around to see your mama in the door frame with a huge smile on her face. "M-MAMA!" You scream. "ahhhh!! my baby has a boyfriend!" Your mama shouts "Mama! please!" You say shooing her away filled with embarrassment. "I'm sorry about that Camilo-" You start to say but are then cut off with him laughing in your face about what just happened. "Hey! stop laughing at me!" You shout at Camilo. "ah!~ I'm so so sorry amor mwa!" Camilo kisses your face once more. 

Camilo Madrigal x Male Reader [Discontinued] Where stories live. Discover now