Chapter 5

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       The boy smirked and slowly but surely walked inside the dark storage room . He searched for the lights and found them . He turned on the lights and started looking for the source of the noise .

       The boy looked around and immediately he saw his target . He was about the end it's life when he noticed that it was small boy probably around 5 or 6 years old .

   He was kinda cute and handsome for his age , thought the boy . But something was off . That's when he noticed the bruises and scars on the boys arms and legs and on his cheeks.

  The young child looked up and saw the new visitor with a knife in his hand. The young child went towards the boy .

  The boy was ready to slit the young child's throat but then the boy froze . The child hugged him .  The child looked at the boy and said in his tiny sweet voice "Sir .... Sir are you here to save me ?"

  The boy immediately hid his knife and was confused . The child continued: "Are you here to stop mommy , daddy and big brother from slapping me and hitting me and locking me up . Please sir help me they ...*sniff* it hurts ... why do they do it ? Am I a bad kid ... they all say they wish I wasn't born... does mommy not want me ?"

   The boy regardless of being a cold blooded murderer and despite the fact that he just killed this child's family , felt pity .

  The boy was glad he had killed those bastards . He knew he couldn't kill this child now .  This child had already been through enough .

Then all of a sudden they heard police sirens . The boy then remembered the girl had called the police. .

  The boy sighed and said to the child : "Hey kid , don't worry , the super cops aka the good guys are here . Tell them what you told me alright and they will save you and give you a new home and a place where you will be loved alright . And don't mention that I was here alright . It's our secret . Now I have to go . Okay take care . And don't forget to say nothing about me alright . I was never here ."

  The child nodded obediently and went to the chair . The child then asked just as the boy was about to go : "Sir , what's your name ?"

The boy looked at the child and said : "Call me Social Killer, actually though can you do me a favor . When the police see you can you tell them you heard your brother ask someone yelling at him 'how are you' , then someone whom you don't know said 'The Social Killer' ?"

The child nodded and the boy thought about how innocent he looked . The child then asked . "Sir what's a killer , Umm wait I think mommy once said it's a bad word , wait I have another question why do you like ketchup so much ?"

The boy looked at the child confused and asked what he meant . The child then replied : "I mean you have ketchup all over your cloths and almost half of your face sir, why else would you have ketchup on yourself if you don't love it?"

The boy realized what the child was referring too . He was talking about all the blood covering his face and cloths . Yeah ..... he was practically drenched in blood .

The boy just nodded and said "Yeah I just love ketchup you know .... Okay kid this is it . I gotta go . And remember I was never here . Good bye kid"

The child said goodbye in return and then sat on the corner of the room. The boy got out and closed the door and locked it . He knew the police would find the boy and he would be in safer hands .

The boy ran like hell when he hears multiple cop cars parking at the entrance of the house . The boy took the back door and opened it and left .

And ran all the way to the forest and didn't stop running until the house was out of sight . He thankfully knew a little of the Forest and he followed the pathway made for the joggers until he reached the road where he easily knew where his house was .

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