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We arrived at LAX what felt like minutes later. Landing made me realize that it was all real. Every minute, every kiss, and those moments when we were alone sharing our secrets. I started to cry at the thought of how happy we were and that we will never be together again. Savanah saw me and comforted me. It was so nice to be close to her. She was my mother and it was good to have a mother again. I saw Savannah look over to my father. He looked concerned for me but Savannah shook her head to him. My guess is she was telling him to not come over. 

We get off teh plane, getting our bags from baggage claim, and then we found a taxi to take us home. I got back to my room and dropped everything down. Ugh unpacking. I'll do it later. I flopped on my bed and plugged in my phoen to my speakers. I blasted the music I had, anything to make me not cry. I had soon realized my phone was on airplane mode the entire time. I turned it off and my phone started to buxx liek crazy. I had text, phone calls, instagram, snapchat, kik, and emails from so many people. I decided to return some of the phone calls from my friends, teling them all about the trip but not mentioning Felix or the band. After I had returned all the calls and text, I drifted to sleep. Jet lagged I guess. 

When I woke up, I had several miss calls from four different numbers. All the same area code. I didn't have to guess who they were. I didn't know which number was who. I decided to only call one back. I randomly choose. After about one ring, someone answered. 

(m = mystery person, a= alex)

m - hello? Alex?

a- yes who is this?

m- its me OG. 

I was so relived that it was OG. I had missed him so much. 

a- OG!!! I miss you so much!! I'm so glad you called.

o- I've missed you too!!!! There is something I need to talk to you about. Please don't hang up on me to bring it up. It's about Felix. 

I almost hung up but I couldn't. It was OG. 

a- fine you have 5 minutes until I will hang up.

o- dang. Alright. I'm sorry to bring this up, but Felix is heartbroken. He misses you. He calles you almost every hour. He is always checking his phone to see if you responded. Please call him and give him a chance. 

a- you don't know what you're talking about! Do you have any idea what you are asking me to do?

o- I dont know anything about what happened after we left the boat! Please tell me?! You told me I reminded you of your little brother you lost. Let me be your big brother from another country. 9he chuckled over the phone)

a- he deleted the photos of all you guys a=off my phone. The photos I took of us and all of us. He wanted me to forget as if none of it had ever happened. He wanted me to act as if he wasn't the best thing that ever happened to me, to act as if I never meet him or any of you. And yes you do remind me of Ethan but please never use that against me. I love my brother and I wish for him to be with me so much. And my mother. I don't want to talk to Felix. He broke me heart. Although he reunited me with my family now and helped me to move on from my past, I still won't forgive him for what he did.

o- what did he do exactly?

a- he deleted teh photos of you all off my phone. He made it seem like I am nothing. Like I can be through away. I told him eveerything. I confided in him. I loved him. I gave him my heart and all he does to me is make me feel as if I am worthless. 

o- you know that is a lie.

a- I have to go. Goodbye OG. I'll miss you but please don't call me again asking about Felix. 

I hung up. Crying. My dad walked in. 

"Alex? You are ok?"

"No Daddy. I want mom, I want Ethan, I want to forget."

He came over to me and sat with me and comforted me. I burried my head in his chest. I cired until I fell asleep in my dads arms. 

"You don't never need to worry about those boys again."  I heard my dad tell me as a I drifted alseep. 

I woke up. I had been placed under the covers of my bed. I sat up but was hesitated to get out of bed. I looked at my phone. Several miss calls from the same numbers. It wasn't OG's I had put him number in. I decied to make one more mistake. I called one of teh three numbers, randomly. 

(m-mystery, a- alex)

m- yo its too late for this. Its like 1 in the morning. 

a- No its not, its like 10 am. hahaha

m- ok you got me. who is this anyways?

I knew that voice just as well as I knew my own name. Felix. there was so escaping him now. I was the one who called him. 

a- its Alex. OG said you wante dto talk to me.

f- OG? You called him first but not me?

I could tell he was jealous. Did he really think that I would go behind his back to hook up or whatever with his bets friend? the one guy that reminde dm eso much of my little brother? who was like a brother to me?

a- don't get jealous and mad at him. In my defense I don't have all your numbers in yet so I randomly called him and now yours. Which I can see was a mistake. 

f- please no. Don't go. I'm begging you. 

a- fine talk. 

f- I love you. Please tell me what I have done that has upset you? Why does OG look at me with disgust ever since yesterday? Please what can I do for you to see that I love you? and that I would do anything for you? Even come visit you...? 

a- please tell me you are not about to get on a plane to come see me? I will not see you. You can not make me. 

f- why? what have I done?!

a- well let me look at those photos of us from the cruise. oh wait I don't have them Let me tell my best friends about this amazing guy that has changed my life. oh wait I can't you forced me not too. 

f- oh 

a- yeah Felix. please don't make me hate you. i don't want to. I love you and care for you too much to do that. so please i have shed too many tears over you. please don't let me cry over you any more.

f- alex. you know I love you and ill do anything for you. 

a- please don't call me anymore. 

f- why? 

a- you were embarraced to be seen with me.to ever be considered my boyfriend. Felix please stop.

I could hear somehting going on in the backgroud. I hear Felix curse under his breath. I could hear the boys getting upset in the background. 

a- whats's going on? 

f- there is a huge massacre going on in Sweden that i was seen with you kissing. The press is all over it now. Shit. They can't know about you. 

I gasped at the thought that he would say that to me.

f- I mean because I don't want the paparrazzi clawing at you and your family about us.

I hung up on him. I blocked his number and the rest of the boys except for OG. 

I didn't want to speak to Felix. I love him and that will never change. 

just this once (Felix sandman fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now