chapter 2: the tenno

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(Welcome to chapter 2! I hope you all enjoy!)

(R/c)= random/ corpus

(3rd pov)

In an corpus ship we see y/n walking through one of the many halls within the ship as he suddenly stops when he heard footsteps that didn't sound familiar as he began to walk again as the footsteps can be heard behind him as y/n walks into a area that has a lot of corpus soldiers as the footsteps seemed to stop outside the doors that he entered to get to the area. Y/n walks up to one of the corpus soldiers and taps their shoulder getting their attention.

(R/c)1: oh! Uh...what brings you here sir?

Y/n: what are the reports of the infested that was found on venus.

(R/c) 2: sir i have the reports!

Y/n: alright I'll be there soon! *looks at (r/c) 1* you should take a break your shift is almost over.

(R/c) 1: ok I'll take that break it's such a pain to stand and operate these computers.

(R/c) 1 then walks away into a separate room as y/n walks towards (r/c) 2 as they pull up the reports of the infested.

(R/c) 2: it seems as though the infested levels have dropped even though our forces are having a difficult time fighting them. The infested levels just dramatically dropped.

Y/n's imaginary eye's furrowed for a seconds as he mutters out a single word.

Y/n(mumble): tenno

Suddenly a door was busted down as a harrow warframe suddenly starts to use its powers as the corpus soldiers are restrained as the harrow attempts to restrain y/n with their powers y/n keeps deflecting the chains that harrow shoots at y/n with his nikana sheath.

Y/n: your powers are useless against me tenno! I am built to be the perfect combatant against tenno.

With one more deflect y/n goes on the offensive as he begins to slash the chains with the nikana blade as the blade starts to glow brighter with each chain that gets slashed and once y/n was close to the harrow warframe the sword was glowing so bright the blade couldn't be seen as y/n made a diagonal cut on harrow's chest as well as a rift opening up and consuming harrow before closing again as y/n pulls out a tablet and marks all the corpus soldiers except r/c 1 "k.i.a" as y/n walks towards the hanger that contains his archwing the surroundings start to get a red hue as what seems to be an mix between an ash and excalibur warframe appears infront of y/n.

???: i found you tenno.

Y/n: who do you think you are assuming I'm a tenno?

The warframe seems to stop for a moment and gets into a thinking stance as it gives a brief glance at y/n before they stop thinking.

???: i sense orokin tech within you but your energy is not of the tennos. You must be what alad v was making at his laboratory.

Y/n: yes i am and who are you?

Stalker: you may call me stalker and i would like to come in agreement with you.


Somewhere on earth a rift opens as the harrow warframe gets ejected from the rift before closing as the harrow warframe gets off the ground before receiving a message from ordis.

Ordis: operator are you-dying-alright?

Operator: i am alright ordis, just pick the warframe up.

Ordis: you've got it operator setting course to earth.

Suddenly a noise was heard near the warframe which the operator noticed and the warframe pulls out a assault rifle as multiple grineer emerge from the lush environment around the warframe as the warframe starts to shoot at the grineer.

(Back with y/n and the stalker)

Y/n: what is this agreement that you want?

Stalker: you help me out with some stuff and i help you out with some stuff.

Y/n: that is a good deal but what's the catch.

Stalker: you got to leave your creator behind.

Y/n takes a few steps backwards as the stalker noticed this.

Stalker: I'll give you time to think about this offer until then.

In a shroud of black smoke the stalker leaves as y/n looks around in caution. Once he realized that the stalker is gone he heads to the hanger as he puts on the archwing and contacts a corpus command ship to pick up the survivors on the ship he is currently on before setting off into space and towards jupiter again.

(With the warframe)

After fighting a horde of grineer soldiers ordis flys in as the harrow warframe enters the ship as they enter a room as the warframe sits on the floor and goes limp as a person that looks like they are in their teens walks into the room as they kneel next to the warframe and looks out the window.

Ordis: is something wrong operator?

Operator: something bothers me about that thing and also the fact that alad v is back at it again with those machines and with the other warframe on the loose things are becoming problematic.

Ordis: incoming message from...all the syndicates?

Operator: that's surprising since i only talked with them once.

Once the operator turned on the communication the first one to speak is the arbiters of hexis.

Hexis: we need your help tenno.

Red veil then speaks up.

Red veil: that thing alad v made has been causing problems with our operations and we need your help with getting rid of it.

The new loka speaks up afterwards.

Loka: that thing has been ruining the planets ecosystems with his mere presence and it's not a good thing. So much wildlife lost to that things reckless destruction.

Steel merdian follows up afterwards.

Meridian: our people has been suffering ever since that alad v made that machine.

Suda then chimed in.

Suda: i hope you'll be able to keep up with the task tenno.

Ergo then speaks.

Ergo: with the creation of that thing caused great harm to our people and i fear that it might do something that might kill us all.

Operator: I'll try to do my best in taking him out.

The transmission was cut off before eudico suddenly opens a transmission.

Eudico: sparky i need you here at fortuna asap! That thing alad v made is causing a ruckus on orb vallis and it's making things hard for us down here.

Operator: to think it revealed itself so fast.

Odin: i suggest*glitches*RUNNING IN GUNS BLAZING*glitches* using caution operator who knows what it can do?

Operator: don't worry I'll be fine just take me to orb vallis so that we can get this done.

Ordis: setting coordinates.

The ship begins enters a warp jump towards venus to try and stop y/n while also completing the mission given to them by the syndicates.

(That's this chapter! I hope you all enjoy!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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