prologue: awakened

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(3rd pov)

On jupiter in alad v's lab it was littered with foam cups that probably had coffee in it. What was he doing? Well alad v was is experimenting with some orokin tech that a corpus squad found on venus and was brought to him.

Alad v: so much work and I'm getting nowhere!

Alad v in a fit of rage shoved some papers off a desk and onto the floor. Alad v then started to take in deep breathes to calm himself.

Alad v: it's ok, i can do this, I've dealt with orokin technology before so it shouldn't be much trouble now.

After alad v collected himself he got back to work and the only thing you could hear is the work of machines for a long time.

(Three week timeskip)

After three weeks the sun started to rise which woke up alad v who was asleep at his desk. He got up out of bed and looked at an experiment table that had what looked like a tenno on it.

 He got up out of bed and looked at an experiment table that had what looked like a tenno on it

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Alad v walked up to the table and smiled in happiness.

Alad v: finally after three weeks of non-stop work, my masterpiece is finished it should be better then the zanuka project.

Alad v then grabs some wires and hooked them up to the torso of his 'masterpiece' and started to put a high input of electricity into the creation. After a few minutes alad stopped the flow of electricity into the creation and removed the wires and backed away from the table. The lines on the creation alad made glowed (f/c)(favorite color) and jumped off the table and landed infront of alad v.

Alad v: it finally worked i have finally made something more powerful than zanuka!

Alad's creation then stood up and looked at alad v blankly.

Alad v: i must give you a name that can fit your power. How about (y/n) it sounds good to me.

(Y/n) nodded and looked at its hands then their torso and looked at alad v.

(Y/n): thank you for giving me life. Father

Alad's eyes widened in surprise. This was the first time someone seen him as a father. He smiled in happiness and hugged (y/n).

(Sorry for the short chapter)

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