chapter 1 : siphon for power

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(3rd pov)(jupiter)

After a few days of getting his bearings alad v gave y/n the permission to roam the many stations that was on jupiter. After a few hours of roaming y/n returned to alad v's lab to see that alad v is asleep at his desk. Y/n walked over to alad v and shook him on the shoulder which woke him up.

Alad v: w-what happened?

Y/n: you overworked again it's best to get some sleep before you do anymore work.

Alad v: alright I'll try to get a sleep schedule set up for me since i have a hard time keeping track of when i sleep.

Alad v then walked up to an alarm clock and sets two scheduled points when its alarm would go off: when its time to sleep and time to wake up. Alad v then set the alarm clock on the desk. Alad v then walked up to y/n and stopped a foot away from him.

Alad v: i have received information that grineer are Attacking one of our ships. I want you to take out the grineer ship since the soldiers are having a hard time with them.

Y/n nods and walks towards a capsule which scanned his body and opened afterwards. Inside the capsule is an archwing which y/n grabbed and equipped to his waist before taking off into space.

(Short timeskip)

After breaking through the atmosphere y/n flew towards a corpus ship and entered the docking bay if the ship and saw a firefight going off between corpus and grineer soldiers. Y/n made a nikana blade appear out of the air and made a slash of energy at the grineer before sheathing it. The grineer were cut in half while emitting screams of pain before dying from blood loss.

Corpus solider: there are still more in this ship!

Y/n nodded and started to run further into the ship killing any grineer along the way until he reached the extremely large bridge room. When he entered he saw this device floating in the air with grineer with different armor on guarding it. Y/n started to walk forwards with kunais forming in his hands before rushing at the grineer. The grineer noticed him and began the large grineer started to swing their staff at him only for the staff to get deflected and the grineer to be split in two by y/n chaos blade. Y/n repeated this process with each of the big grineer until all of the grineer are dead. After the grineer was killed y/n walked up to the machine and two blades emerged from his wrist and stabbed the machine which caused some mist to start pouring out only to suddenly get absorbed by y/n which caused spikes to protrude from his shoulders. The machine the collapsed into many parts and y/n started to head for the docking station of the ship while hearing corpus cheers while y/n deployed his archwing and headed back to jupiter.

(Short Timeskip)

After landing back at alad v's lab y/n detached the archwing and walked into a containment room and saw a warframe that seems to be staring at him. Suddenly y/n heard a voice come from the warframe and it sounded like a females.

???: let me out of this place!

Y/n: under my creator's orders i am not to let you go due to you being a dangerous being to him.

???: but your a warframe! You should be fighting with us not against us?!

Y/n: I'm not a warframe like you valkyr. I am the masterpiece of alad v's work.

Y/n then left the room as valkyr punched the barrier that separated them. Once y/n returned from the containment room he saw alad v studying something on the table. Alad v noticed y/n's presence and looked towards him.

Alad: your here, just the person i wanted to see.

Y/n: what seems to be the problem.

Alad v then pointed at what he was studying on the table which showed to be a weird skeletal bone structure.

Alad: I've been studying this ever since you've been in production and i can't seem to get a proper reading on these energy levels.

Y/n then picked up the structure as it suddenly turned into a blue liquid that got absorbed into y/n's arm which revealed a hole in the arm.

Alad: well i guess that you need to get repa-

Suddenly a blade shoots out from the hole in y/n's arm and it is very sharp.

Alad: then it's best that you get some rest we have much to do later.

Y/n: alright then hope you get some rest.


???: operator the lotus is sending you a message.

An excalibur warframe nods as the disembodied voice played the message.

Lotus: tenno reports has been made that alad v has made what appears to be a warframe out of orokin tech. You must find out it's location and make sure it doesn't get mass produced. But keep in mind that vor is still alive find captain vor then we will worry about this fake tenno.

The transmission cuts off as the excalibur warframe walks towards the front of the ship as it takes off. Towards mercury.

(Thats chapter 1 hope you guys enjoyed)

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