Epilogue .06

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"Whoa! Hey! You can't do that!" You jump back at the sight of the three younger Lords sitting on the bed the moment you walk out of the bathroom in just a simple white towel wrapped around your body, thinking you were clear and that no one was in the room.

Jungkook laughs at your surprise. "We are your Lords, you cannot tell us what we can and cannot do."

"Guys," you whine as you stomp your little feet and he laughs some more.

"How can one look so adorable when she is only wearing a towel that barely covers her wet skin?" Jimin asks with a smirk curled at the corner of his lips.

"Don't," you warn. "Don't do that."

"Do what?" Taehyung raises a brow as if he is oblivious but you can see right through them.

"You know what you are doing and I do not intend to play along with your games."

"Don't know what you're talking about," Jungkook says as he leans back to lay against Jimin's chest. "Unless, you wanna do something?"

You give him an unamused stare to hide the fact that you are indeed flustered. "Are you going to get out?"

"Not anytime soon," Taehyung smirks and you groan, grab your bathrobe and rush back into the bathroom. When you come out a few minutes later with the same pouting frown but with a robe instead, they laugh.

"What are you doing here back so early anyways?"

"What are you doing here back so early?" Jimin mimics.

"Obviously there wasn't anything else to do until the next day."

"Exactly. Now come here." He grabs ahold of your wrist before you can turn to your vanity and has you sitting right on his lap where you face Jungkook and Taehyung just behind you.


But the Lord of Shadows grabs the white towel you had held onto. "Relax," he muses, "let us pamper you, love. You've worked so hard." He hands the towel to Taehyung who almost instantly begins to run the towel against your wet hair.

"Um...doing, doing what?" You stutter. Curse them for making you feel this way.

"Holding onto our memories while ours were forgotten," Jungkook says.

"Loving us despite us loving another," Taehyung says.

"Staying true to yourself and making us fall in love with you," Jimin takes your chin with his forefinger to have you face him, "twice," he adds and you know at that point you are a blushing mess.

"Y-you do not—"

"You have shed so many tears for us, love." His fingers traces your face and you shiver. Why is it that their words are so sweet and soft yet they are anything but that upon the expressions on their faces? You want to ignore it but they've planted a fire inside you which burns hard.

"J-Jimin." The sigh you release is shaky.

"Your ears are red, darling," Taehyung notices with a smirk. "Why is that, hm? We are only trying to thank you. Why are you blushing?"

They know more than anyone that they aren't just thanking you. So you swipe Jimin's hand away from your face and look away but that only cues Jungkook into taking your wrist. His hold is firmer. Gentle, but firm. "You are being unfair," you mumble through a pout and he chuckles.


"Three against one? Why must you do this to me?"

"You act as if you don't like this," Taehyung says. He's not trying to dry your hair anymore, only allowing it to tangle around his fingers and letting it go.

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