Emma Ciel Lian Agreste

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Thank you so much to everyone who voted for Emma's middle name!

Ciel comes from a French origin meaning 'sky' and Lian is a Chinese name meaning 'the graceful willow'.

A friend of mine suggested I choose two middle names, one of each representing Emma's heritage. And I thought the meaning of those two names were quite fitting to her character.

Also, I would like to extend a huge shout-out to mostlovedgirl for beta reading this chapter. She was extremely influential in helping to make it a worthy ending for this fic. I would also like to thank ChocoluckChipz for helping me describe Marinette's dress in the last chapter, and for helping to encourage me in getting back into writing. If you haven't read any of their works, go read them. They are AMAZING!!!


Emma Agreste had always been a happy child. She had the best parents in the entire world! Of course, she had always known that. She had the kindest, sweetest mother, and the coolest dad. Things had been nice when it had been just her and her parents, but having two younger brothers was pretty cool too.

Hugo was a lot like their mother: a bit clumsy but with a heart of gold. Louis wasn't quite old enough to determine who he most resembled. Her mom told her that he reminded her a lot of Grand-père Agreste with his serious, no funny-business attitude. Emma wasn't quite sure what that meant, but she was looking forward to finding out in the next few years when her Grand-père was released from jail.

It was no secret that Emma was the granddaughter of Paris' most infamous former villain, but the city had come a long way in forgiving him. He had helped take down Monarch, and had simply been trying to save his wife, afterall.

She had seen the man a few times in prison, but those visits had always been short and left her wishing she could rush past the guards and give him a giant hug. She had tried once, but Grand-père had held up his hand, motioning for her to sit down.

Her mother said that was just one more thing that made her like her father—that bold recklessness that always made her mother worry and her father proud.

Emma loved taking after her father. She had his blond hair that fell down in waves almost touching her behind. She had his free spirit, his love of puns, and the ability to master almost anything she tried.

Auntie Alya said she also inherited her father's model looks, but Emma had to disagree. The things that made her beautiful came from her mother's side. She had her mother's freckles, proudly speckled across her cheeks, and her gorgeous bluebell eyes. Emma wasn't quite sure where her matching dimples came from, but her father said their uniqueness was just a reminder that Emma was her own person.

Sure, she took a lot after her dad, and even had some of the same interests as her mother, but contrary to what some people might want to believe, there were lots of things that made her different from her parents.

For one, she absolutely hated anything to do with fashion, preferring to wear loose fitting, often boyish-looking clothing. It wasn't that she wanted to look like a boy, but come on! Hiking pants and comfy tee shirts were just more practical! How her mother went to work in business suits every day, she would never understand.

And where her father had been prone to defying his father behind his back, Emma was a bit more blatantly disobedient. It wasn't like she ever did anything all that bad, or that she inherently disagreed with her parents, but there were times when she wanted what she wanted and just had to suffer the consequences.

That's just the way it was. And Emma was okay with most of her choices.

Take today, for example. It was her thirteenth birthday. Her parents had told her to come straight home after going to the movies with her friends, but had she listened? Of course not! How could she when it was such a beautiful day and her body was stiff from days of rain and anime binge watching? The skies were calling, and Emma wasn't about to pass up a challenge.

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