Part Twenty

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I'm back at the dojo. Kreese let me back in when I made an excuse about 'family issues.'

Tomorrow's the All Valley Tournament. Tory and I are gonna kick ass until we're the final two. Then I'll have to beat her but hey, it's gonna be cool.

Ever since Sam said she's had a crush on me, her problems with Miguel have only increased. Which I guess is good for Tory.


The tournament.
Here it is.

I run out with Cobra Kai. We stand together while we wait for the tournament to start. I'm up first. I have to fight some girl from Topanga Karate.

"No mercy," Tory whispers to me.

The girl tries to punch me, but I duck. I sweep her leg and hit her in the stomach before she has the chance to get back up.

"L/N. Point! 1-0."

I kick her first. She stumbles back. I kick her again so she falls to the ground. I kick her in the chest.

"L/N. Point! 2-0."

I walk over to Sensei Silver and Sensei Kreese.

"She's unstable with her left," Sensei Kreese whispers.

I bow to him and Sensei Silver and I get back on the mat. I kick her in her left leg and she immediately tumbles on the mat. She gets back up and throws a punch. I block it and I kick her left knee. She falls so I kick her before she can block it.

"L/N. Point! 3-0. Winner!"

I qualify for the quarterfinals! Yes!


"C'mon Tory!" I cheer.

She punches a girl in the face, sweeps her leg and kicks her while she's down.


I clap for Tory as she also qualifies.

"It's time to start the quarterfinals of the women's tournament. First up, LaRusso and ..."

I don't have to face her first round. Good. LaRusso wins her match so I have to go do mine.

"Bow. Face each other. Bow."

I sweep the girl's leg and kick her before she even has the chance to process what happened.


"I wasn't ready!" She makes an excuse.

"Don't let your guard down, princess," I snarl.


She overextends her kick. I grab her leg and throw it onto the ground, flipping her over. I punch her stomach.


She tries again to kick. But I know her weakness. I kick her leg while it's midair, causing her to fall. I punch her chest.

"3-0. L/N. Winner!"

Tory claps for me and I smile.
I'll have to fight LaRusso next round. Good luck, Sam. You'll need it.

Tory beats whatever girl she's fighting effortlessly. Another match ends and now it's down to four.

"LaRusso vs L/N!"

"Kick her ass. But if you fuck that up, I'll do it for you in the finals," Tory says.

"She's not going to get an easy win. If she's gonna win, make sure it's hell for her," Sensei Silver says.

I bow to Sensei Silver and Sensei Kreese and I get on the mat.

Sam blocks some of my kicks. I resort to sweeping the leg but she kicks me from behind.

"Point LaRusso."

That just adds fuel to my fire.

"Bow. Face each other. Bow."

I kick her in the shoulder and tackle her to the mat. I punch her in the stomach.

"Point L/N. 1-1."

"Bow. Face each other. Bow."

She tries to kick me in the shoulder, but I catch her leg and I throw it onto the ground. I punch her leg again.

"Point L/N. 2-1."

"Bow. Face each other. Bow."

I swing for her but she ducks. She kicks me in the side, causing me to tumble to the ground. I get back up. I block her punch. I try to punch her but she grabs my arm and flips me onto the ground. That hurt like a bitch. She punches me in the stomach.

"Point LaRusso. 2-2."

"Bow. Face each other. Bow."

I strike for her, but she blocks and moves back. I slam my fist onto her face.

"Out of bounds! No point!"

"Bullshit," I hear Tory whisper from behind.

I block Sam's kick. She kicks me in the side and sweeps my leg while I'm off balance. She punches me in the chest.

"Point LaRusso. 3-2. Winner!"

I step off the mat, pissed that I couldn't beat her.

"You did great," Tory says.

"Thanks. Now go kick some ass so you can fight her, huh?" I say.

"You got it."

Tory wins her fight. It's time to watch the men's final. Robby's kicking ass, but he gets distracted. Eli takes the chance and defeats him.

That means that we have to win the women's final, otherwise Cobra Kai ends up in second place.

"C'mon Tory!" I cheer.

"Nichols! Point!"

"LaRusso! Point!"

It goes back and forth. Sensei Silver wants Tory to hurt Sam, but Tory doesn't want to. Tory wins against Sam. That means that Cobra Kai wins the tournament!!

"Go Tory!" We pick her up.

She did it!


"Let me go get my stuff," Tory says.


I wait outside for her. She comes back, looking defeated. She looks like she's about to cry.

"Tory! What's wrong?"

"I... the trophy's a lie. He bribed the ref," She whispers sadly.

"I'm so sorry Tory," I say as I hug her.

The one thing she wanted- no. The one thing she needed to prove to herself was that she could win. But it was lie.

"Let's go get dinner. A date. We can worry about this later, okay?"

"Okay," I smile.

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