Part Five

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I always thought Sam was gonna be my best friend. But now it's Robby Keene.

I'm surprised she hasn't gotten suspicious. I just randomly leave to see him and she doesn't stop me.

Speaking of Robby, we're really close friends. I haven't seen Tory since that encounter, but I don't know what to think. It's been weeks.

"Hello?" Robby waves his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry. Zoned out," I say, snapping back into reality.

"It's cool," He smiles.

All of a sudden, his smile drops into a look of fury.

"What's wrong? Do you not like the park or something?" I ask.

"It's Hawk," He says angrily.

I see Hawk stepping closer to us. I just wanted to go for a nice walk in the park. I didn't want to get in a fight.

"Robby Keene," Hawk says furiously.

"Look time no see," He smirks.

"And his little slut," Hawk turns his wicked glare to me.

Hawk's asking for me to punch him in the goddamn jaw.

"She's just a friend, nosy asshole," Robby steps closer to him, almost ready to punch.

Robby pulls his arm back, fighting stance...

Robby POV:

I'm about to punch the asshole. Y/N's my friend, not some girl I would just fuck when I feel like it.

I get in my fighting stance about to punch him when I hear a groan. I look back at Hawk and his nose is bleeding.
I look at Y/N's pretty little smirk. That's my best friend right there!

"Wanna go?" She laughs.

Sure, she can punch. But can she actually fight?

"Don't..." I warn her but it's too late.

He tries to punch her in the stomach but she blocks and kicks his knee. He almost falls but then kicks her shoulder. She lets out a small moan.
He sweeps her leg and she falls to the ground.

"Watch as I put a beating on her pretty little face," Hawk spits on me as his minion holds me in a headlock.

Hawk goes to kick her but she dodges and kicks him in the balls. He whimpers and she throws him onto the ground. She punches him until he gets a worse nosebleed. She looks at me and realizes I'm stuck.

"Idiot," She mumbles as she yanks the guy's arm off my throat.

"Finish him," I say and she nods.













He screams in agony.

"Did you just break his arm?" I ask.

She nods softly.

"Robby what did I do!" She shouts, about to cry.

"You saved our asses. I didn't know you were such a badass," I lighten the mood.

"Let's get out of here," She says and we run as fast as we can out of there.

We go to my car and we hop in, panting.


I don't even know how I did it. Sure, I've had a little training in the past, but I broke a guy's arm! And I beat the absolute shit out of Hawk!

But I feel guilty. I'm turning into what Sam hates the most...

"We're back at your house princess," He snaps me out of my trance.

"Thanks," I get out of the car.

"You should join Cobra Kai," He suggests.

"I... I can't do that. You know that!" I say.

"Yet we can't keep covering your ass. I'm sure you could find a place to crash. At some point, you'll have to pick a side."

He's right. I hate that he's right.

"Bye Keene," I wave.

"Bye L/N."


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