Dear Bethany, Sincerely, Peter

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  Peter stood waiting for a new customer to approach him. Working at Starbucks was not the job he intended to have after finishing college, but it would suffice. A group of teenagers walked in and stood before him looking up at the menu above his head.

  "Can I have a Caramel Frappuchino? Tall. Nonfat milk," The girl said as she pulled out a pink sequined wallet from a coach purse.

  "Name?" Peter asked as he scribbled down her order. He took the money then putting it into the cash register.

  "Bella Swan," She giggled. Peter just wrote down the name under the order. By now, he had gotten used to people, mainly teenagers, using fake names. He turned away to make her order letting another employee to take the next order. Once he finished, Peter called out her fake name and the girl stood up from her seat and collected her drink.

  Peter sighed and pressed his elbows onto the counter, drumming his fingers to the soft music playing overhead. The tinkling of the bell signalled a new customer, and Peter looked up to see a girl around his age. Dark brown hair was covered by a knit beanie, and her green eyes stood out against her fair skin. A beige coat fell to her thighs, which were covered by a pair of leggings. Even a blind man could tell she was pretty, but to Peter, Bethany was the most beautiful person in the world.

  It's been a while since Peter knew he liked her, he just didn't have the courage to tell her. It seemed so obvious that to Peter, Bethany only saw him as a brother or a friend.

  "Uh, hello?" The lady asked, waving her hand in front of Peter's face.

  "Oh, uh, sorry," Peter apologized as he gave her an embarrassed smile.

  "It's fine," She said giving him a reassuring grin, "Short Skinny Latte, please. Oh and my name's Angela."

  "Coming right up, Angela," Peter grinned as he got to work, brewing up her drink. He picked up the cup and wrote "To Angela: the prettiest girl I will see today." Writing something nice onto a customer's cup was like a tradition to Peter, he would do it at least once every shift. He called out her name and watched her as she read what he wrote. She grinned and reached into her bag for a pen, then grabbed a napkin as she scribbled something down onto the paper. As she was walking towards the door she tossed the napkin containing her phone number to Peter and gave him a cute wink.

  Peter passed the napkin to his co-worker, Alex, who usually receives all of the numbers that were given to Peter. Peter never really cared for any of the numbers he got from work, they never really mattered to him.

  "Hey, Peter! Youre shift's over," Alex called, "Get outta here."

  "Will do," Peter grinned as he made his way to the back room, where his belongings were stored.


  Peter rifled through his mail, which ranged from spam to bills until he came across a certain envelope with the sender's name being Bethany. He quickly ripped open the envelope and pulled out the letter, reading it from top to bottom.

  He grinned, knowing that she was doing okay so far, and chuckled about her comment about the bathroom walls. All at once, his grin turned into a grimace. She met a guy. A guy. A guy named Tom, who is funny and wonderful and wears a bow tie. He pressed his lips into a thin line then stood up to get a sheet of paper and a pen.

Dear Bethany,

  Well first off, I'm doing just fine. California's pretty fine also, but probably not as good as it could be since you're not here. I haven't found a new job yet, so I'm still stuck at Starbucks with Alex, but I've applied for some and I've got some interview in a few days. I haven't really met anyone new, but I got another number today at work though.

  Tell me what you're doing. Who's this Tom I hear about? I wanna know more about him. Well there's really nothing new here and I still think you should come back over here or maybe I come over there. Okay so just write me back and yeah. . .




Welp that was another chapter of Dear, Sincerely, please COMMENT so I know if you people reading this like it or not. So. . . Do you think Peter may be a bit ... jealous?

well please vote and COMMENT thanks ;)


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