Dear Peter, Sincerely, Bethany

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  Bethany walked into the shiny new office building in her black pencil skirt and two inch heels. Her onyx colored hair was pulled into a neat bun which complimented her outfit. As she sat down outside her boss' office Bethany took out a plain piece of paper and started scribbling words on the parchment as she waited.

  "Oh there you are Beverly!" Her new boss said merrily as he opened the door to his office. "Come in, come in."

  "It's Bethany, sir," She said politely as possible. She walked into the office where the first thing she spotted was a man. Not just any man though, a handsome man, who just happened to be grinning at her.

  "Oh my apologies, Bethany," The boss said, "Why don't you have a seat, I'm pretty sure you're dying to know why this fine, young man is also here." She sat down after releasing a nervous laugh to try and get along with her boss' cheerful attitude. "Well Bethany, this is Tom Bourg and he will be training you."

  A small "Oh," escaped from Bethany's lips as Tom flashed her another dazzling smile.

  "Ok, well I'm going to leave you guys to it," The boss smiled as the two walked out of the office.


  After going through about a million files it was finally their break time. "So, uh, Bethany would you like to accompany me for coffee?" asked Tom as he handed the last file to Bethany. Their fingers grazed agaisnt each other causing a pink blush to creep up on her face.

  "I would love to," Bethany smiled at him as she stood up and brushed off her skirt.

  They walked down the street to a local cafe where they had a short, but informative conversation. The two walked back up to continue their work after Tom insisted to pay for the drinks. Back at the office Bethany grinned to herself since now she knew one more person in this great, big city.

Dear Peter,

  Hi Peter, well I started work today. It's a pretty good job so far, nothing too stressful at the moment. My new apartment's nice, I guess. The walls need new paint though. You need to see what the previous owners painted to bathroom; it's this horrible mustard color.

  I met a guy at work, his name is Tom. He is training me right now and I think it's going well. I have already gotten most of what he has tried to teach me. He's really nice and he was wearing a bow tie. A bow tie, I kid you not. He also took me out for coffee when it was break time. I think he is truly wonderful and very funny.

  So how are you doing? How's Cali? Texas isn't that much fun as everyone makes it seem. Did you meet anyone new yet? Well I really think that you should write back as soon as you finish reading this.




  Well guys, How do you like it? The chapters are going to be short so don't yell at me :P

How do guys like Tom? (even though what I wrote was very brief)

How do you think Peter is gonna react to the letter?

I appreciate all votes and comments so THANK YOU <3


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