the brave bastard

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Beep beep bleep

Blake:Five more minutess


Blake:its 9:30 and morning classes are canceled


Blake:but five more minutes y/n

"Blake i swear to ohm i will carry you to the LZ in just your pajamas"


- minutes later-

Y/n is standing next to his team Covered in bandages and scratches with blake still in her pajamas wrapped around him clawing at his back

Ruby:does it hurt

"Alot yes"

Yang:do you regret it

"I regret not getting some armor before I pried Blake from her bed"

Weiss:was it worth it

"Better then incurring the wrath of goodwitch "

Goodwitch:Alright,everyone on the bull-horn

After some 15 minutes of blake using y/n as if he was a Scratching post whilen two other members of team RWBY look super duper jelly and avoiding eye contact with certain blondie they finally landed getting up y/n akwardly got out

"Blake can you get off me"


"Well then can you not attempt to dig my spine out"


"Blake,I swear to every deity out there that I will set your ohm dammed books on fire"

Blake:You wouldn't dare!

"Try me"

-time skip brought to you by glyenda explaining the trip while y/n is mauled by blake-

Jaune was conflicted ever since cardin approached him and then blackmailed him he's been a lap dog. But this was unfair either get his secret revealed or do something that would not only end in him losing what little favor he still had going for him but also lose the closest person he had to a big brother then it hit him a third option Turning around he would tell cardin no and throw the jar at him he would have been dead for it if not for


And suddenly his actions didn't matter as a huge ass Ura came running his way

Wice Cream's Pov

"Well isn't that fantastic not only am I forced to share my butler with the rest of these dolts I now contend with ruby just to get his attention!"

"How does she even do it she just looks at him when she wants sweets and off he goes she practically has him around her small fingers,...ohm What If She Gets Into Politics Or Business! I'll Be Done For!"

Yang:Weiss have you seen y/n?

"Wasn't he getting mauled by blake"

Yang:yeah I checked but she left him a bit ago

Blake:i found him

Y/n was with team jpnr watching Jaune fight for his fucking life

"So this is were you went"

Y/n:I got the sap after I wasn't being mauled so relax,besides jaune has this covered isn't that right pyrrha

Pyrrha:Hmm oh yes of course


Y/n:dam it i turned around to long,so now that the fun is over going to tell us what you waving your hands were for

Pyrrha:Well,Ruby has her speed and Weiss has her glyphs both me and y/n have control over metal so to say with y/n abilities being similar to a blacksmith working with metal i have control over polarity

Ruby:You can control poles?!

"No you dunce she can control magnetism!"

Ruby:oh magnets are cool too..

Y/n: so we all agree not to tell him till after school ends

Pyrrha:that would be best

As pyrrha and y/n walked to jaune they'd witness jaune standing up to cardin he'd take the time to trip cardin as he ran away


Jaune:hey pyrrha i-

Pyrrha:we'll talk later right now i think y/n has something to say

Y/n:I do?

Pyrrha:yes you do

Y/n:fine well jaune your a stupid bastard but your also a brave bastard and...wait wasn't there two Ursas


Y/n:Ahhhh Thud

As y/n was sent flying into a tree everyone looked at the ursa and to quote a wonderful little sound effect "In this moment he knew he fucked up"

[Timeskip brought to you with y/n having a concussion and a bump on the noodle]

Nurse:he'll be fine all he needs is some rest whole his Aura fixes him

"Oh thank ohm"

Yang:didn't know ice queen Cared about someone

"What no I just need him to make dinner"

Jaune:hey ruby didn't y/n need a new hammer

Ruby:yeah,thanks for reminding me and Nora

Nora:-nora noises-

Ruby:since you specialize in all things hammer you me and y/n will be going out tomorrow to get him a new hammer


______________________________________Greetings plebs and patricians, now here is the fun part who is y/n stuck with now after some counting,thinking and a few randomizer we have our results

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Greetings plebs and patricians, now here is the fun part who is y/n stuck with now after some counting,thinking and a few randomizer we have our results

Our winner is.... Wice cream and our crimson colored puppy ruby rose

Now for Weiss that came from the vote and ruby well there is already a pre established bond between the two (and its deffently not like i find Weiss suffering funny)

So balke well she got our blond mokie

And yang well who wants to see who wins in a fight between a angry pun making thot and a Slavic polar bear faunus

And as for dear Nora well we already know she adopted us as her hammer buddy so ohm bless our souls (let's just hope she never goes yandere) so yeah now I'm sorry these chapters take so long I'll try to improve that as always thank you for reading and while your hear go ahead and look at some of my other content anyhow I bid you vale

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