beacon bright

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[Atlas dock 01]

While some nameless featureless workers carry baggage onto the jet Weiss and (y/n) would stand back with some hot cider as winter would...
<Record scratch sound effect>
(Y/n):yo can we talk why is almost everyone here shadowy

Idk man I didn't create this work I'm simply working with what is given

(Y/n):but they look so weird isn't there something you can do

Look dude I can't i know they look weird but just bear with me,and at least you stopped the story and didn't brake the wall 4th dimensional walls can get quite where we're we

(Y/n): im already in debt don't need more and I believe winter was walking over to "congratulate" us on getting to beacon

Alright everyone back in place annnnd action 🎬
Walking over winter would congratulate (y/n) and Weiss into getting into beacon by telling them things they already know

Winter:Alright remember to do your work and use your manners yes sir no sir yes ma'am no ma'am

(Y/n):winter I've worked since I could walk i think I know how to address people by now

Winter:quite you boob i was talking to my sister

(Y/n):thanks for making that clear captain obvious

Winter:Roger that lieutenant sarcasm

Giving a mock salute he'd get a small smile out of winter

Winter: in any rate I hope you two take care I'll miss you two

Weiss:we'll miss you too
(Y/n):you going to miss me or my service

Winter:hmm both but I will miss getting coffee on time,now don't do anything embarrassing

Both winter and Weiss would turn to (y/n) who was "innocently" humming

Winter/weiss: -_-
(Y/n):Whiteley can control water and i cleaning the pavement the lamb kids challenged us to a water fight how I see it they got what they deserved

[Timeskip brought to you by nora launching a tactic chibi (y/n) with a chibi war hammer]

Weiss:are you coming
(Y/n): you go on ahead I'm just making sure nothing is missing.
(Y/n):Alright now where did she put those cookies


(Y/n): that didn't sound good

Weiss:this is exactly what I was  talking about

????:I'm really really sorry.

Weiss:how did you even get here you seem a little young to be at beacon


Weiss:this isn't a ordinary combat school.its not just sparring and practicing you know. We're fighting monsters so watch out

????:I said I was sorry princess

Another girl in black would walk towards them with a container of dust

????:it's heiress actually

????:weiss schnees,heiress to the schnees dust company,one of the largest producers of energy propellants of the world

Weiss:Finally some recognition

????:the same company infamous for controversial labor forces and questionable business partners

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