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Alright buddy I brought you here to go over some stuff


So you've meet the main cast have any thoughts on them

A few yea

Alright here we go

Ruby Rose
Well she's my team leader she's quite childish but given that she's a year younger than the average becon student it can't be helped,Ruby is inexperienced but that can be fixed with time,Shes if im being honest adorable like a cute little puppy that holds a deadly farming tool

Yang Xio-Long
There won't be any lemons in this story right I wasn't planning on it no oh thank ohm she's well flirty to put it lightly I'm hoping she doesn't get more touchy and being the big sister of ruby im sure she'll embrace me and ruby alot Yep

Weiss Schnees
I mean she has my freedom in hand as a paper and she has my pay check so can't really say any thing very bad about her..tho she can be uptight and stubborn she's definitely a brat at time and acts like she deserves the world but she really means well you only see it during spring and summer when she defrosts heh

Blake Belladonna
I think I've seen her before tho I can't quite remember and when I was having a fish cake snake well..I didn't like the way she looked at me like a large black cat looking at a mouse

Phyrra Nikos
Hnm nice enough haven't talked to her much to from a proper opinion

Jaune Arc
Dumb Dense Dolt he means well but well my boy can't fight or realize Weiss isn't interested tho I can fix that HEY NO BAD (Y/N) NO USING HAMMER ON JAUNE MY OHM NOT LIKE THAT I MENT HELP HIM

Nora Valkyrie
She scares me she has a hammer and she'd make a terrifying good yandere need i say more

Lie Ren
May ohm have mercy on his soul for Nora will not


Your not recording this are you

Oh I am but Don't worrie they're getting interviewed to

Ok and..
Alright...Ruby whats your thoughts on (Y/n)

He's my first friend and he's nice he helped and supported my ideal i see was embarrassing when yang pushed me onto him thou...I feel bad he broke his family hammer to save me Im sure you'll find a away to fix that yea I will together well make the best hammer just me and him Oh my sweet sweet little cookie child

Ok Weiss your thoughts
Well he's a hard worker I feel bad that his first impression of me didn't go great  you cut his cheek and used him as a cushion it could have been worse i suppose it bugs me how he chose ruby over me I don't know what he sees in her some one a little jelly
I AM NOT right

Yang...please keep this pg 13
Umm darn that sure Smashes my plans eh eh Get out

I swear I've seen him before and I know he's hiding something but he's some what weird you talk about wearing a maid outfit HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT you talk in your sleep

I haven't talk to him much but he looks strong

Horrible wing man but good friend

He has a hammer hea strong dresse well HES PERFECT But I don't know why he called me a yandere
You threatened to send some poor girl over flying over the clift just for talking to Ren She interrupted me

Hes going to suffer to Nora

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