Postgame: (Y/n) vs. Cynthia

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I was exploring the region and did some training with the team before deciding to check out the Marine Tube in Undella Town. When I flew there, I saw Hugh stumbling inside of the Pokemon Center. I went in after him and saw that he collapsed on the counter.

I walked over and helped him up before looking at Nurse Joy.

"It's okay. I'm a friend of his. If you could just heal his Pokemon, then that'd be great."

She just nodded before I dragged him over to one of the couches and laid him across it. I got his Pokemon for him and waited a few minutes before he woke up.

"You good?"

Hugh gasped and sat up quickly. He then grabbed me by the collar and shook me.




"Hugh, chill out, bro! You're not making any sense."

Hugh let go and calmed down before looking at his hands and then his Poke Balls.

Hugh:"(Y/n), I came here to do some training but I encountered a trainer stronger than anyone I've ever faced. They're probably stronger than both you and Iris..."

"What? No way..."

I just looked at him before chuckling and slapped his back.

"Come on now! They couldn't have possibly been that bad."

Hugh just shook with fear as something flashed within his mind.


Cynthia:"Garchomp! Finish it!"

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Cynthia:"Garchomp! Finish it!"

He clutched his head and rocked back in forth. I felt bad for him and rubbed his back before leaving.

"Hugh, the only other time I've seen you broken like that was when you found out Purrloin evolved. Whoever did this to you is gonna pay!"

I walked around before entering a house and saw a familiar blonde woman playing the piano.

Once she was done, she looked over and I saw who it was. It was Cynthia. Then something clicked in my mind, this was Caitlin's villa and Cynthia was the friend that stayed here.

Cynthia:"What's this? (Y/n), is that you?"

"Cynthia... Did you battle a boy named Hugh?"

Cynthia:"I did. Poor boy. I went easy on him, but even then he still couldn't fight back."

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