Castelia City

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I woke up the following morning with a major headache. I checked my surroundings and saw that I was in Roxie's dressing room. I checked to see that my pants were still on so at least I can rest easy knowing I didn't knock her up.

Things were a blur last night. I don't even know what happened. I don't think we drank any alcohol. Roxie was lying on top of me while snoring softly. I poked her cheek and she just grumbled. I smiled to myself and kept poking her cheek. She then caught my finger with her mouth and nibbled on it. I blushed and pulled it out. She giggled in her sleep.

She eventually woke up after about 10 minutes. She sat up on my waist and smiled down at me.

* * *

Roxie:"Well, you two go on and enjoy your journey."

Hugh:"Thank you Roxie."

"Hit me up whenever you're playing, I'll be sure to drop by."

Roxie:"You better."

She playfully stuck her tongue out at me and I laughed. Hugh and I waved at her before getting on the boat and rode to Castelia City. We reached the ports and got off the boat. Hugh registered himself on my Xtransceiver and went ahead to look for Team Plasma.

I exited the ports and was stopped by a clown who gave me a bike. I quickly hopped on it and used it to ride around the city. I went to the farthest street and went through it. I saw the gym down the street and saw the old man Clyde hanging out there.

"Is the Gym Leader here?"

Clyde:"Sorry pal, but Burgh said there was trouble and took off."

?:"Huh? Burgh vanished again?"

We heard a femined voice and I turned to see a girl not too older than me approaching us. The most interesting trait was her long purple hair.

 The most interesting trait was her long purple hair

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Clyde:"Oh! Hello Iris. Something came up, and Burgh isn't here right now."

Iris:"Hmm... Isn't Burgh always vanishing, though? He always says he's got artist's block and just goes wandering out of the gym."

She then noticed me.

Iris:"Hi there! Who are you?"

"I'm (Y/n), self-proclaimed Pro Pokemon Trainer."

She giggled and we shook hands.

Iris:"I'm Iris."

"Hey, have you seen Team Plasma grunts running around?"

Iris:"But they disbanded two years ago."

"That's what they said but apparently they're back or something of the sort."

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