0.4 What If

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(Ava's pov)

I close my diary and put it with the pen on the table beside my bed. Im so nervous. What if something goes wrong? What if i die? What if i-. I got snapped out of my thoughs by the nurse waving her hand infront of my face. "Dont worry Ava. You'll be fine" Laura,the nurse, said and smiled sweetly at me. "I hope so" i say and bit my lip. "okay now i need to prepare you for the surgery" She say and i nod. She give me some pills and a cup of water. I put the pills in my mouth and take small sips off water making sure that all the pills are down before i hand her the empty cup. She smiles at me and i smile weakly back at her. "Are everything set for the surgery?" a doctor say while bargin in to my hostpital room. "Yeah i think so" Laura say and take another bed on wheels and put it next to my bed. "Now sweety you need to laydown on this bed instead" Laura say and point to the bed she just brough in. "Okay" i say and stand up from my bed. Im just about to lay down on the bed when im hold back. By them f*cking wires that connects me to this freaking machines. Oh how much i love them. Note sarcasm. "Um Laura?" "yes sweety?" she say and turn to face me again since she had her back against me. "Im stuck" i say and giggle. "Oh dear, i forgot to take that off you, silly me, im so sorry" she says and start to take the wires off me. "no worries" i say and smile at her. Gosh i was nervous. She finaly unplugged the last wire and i lay down on the bed. Laura stands behind my head in the end of the bed and start pushing me out of the door and in too a room full of lights and doctors. i look around and see small tables with tools and some machines. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. This is it. Im getting a new heart. The bed stop moving and i open my eyes. "Now this is gonna sting a bit" Laura say and put a cannula in my arm. i flinch abit. I hate needles. Laura looks at me and smiles. "now imma put you too sleep and then ill see you when you wake up and then youll have a brand new heart" She say and rubs my arm. I just smile back and i feel myself getting sleepy. The last though i think before everything gets black is "What if..:?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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