The Flu Shot Ch.2

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Lemmy:NOOOOOOOO!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! (he holds on to Regina in her arms as if for dear life)
Regina:Lemmy...please calm's gonna be alright...
Lemmy:NO!!!! PLEASE!!!! HELP!!!!! I'M SCARED!!!!!
Regina:*Sighs* Is there a way he can take the shot without laying on the bed?
Nurse:Actually yes! Now hold still...(she injects the needle into Lemmy's neck)
Lemmy:OW!! S-STOP!! IT HURTS!! (His grip on Regina's sides tightens that his claws dug deeper into them causing them to bleed some)
Regina:Hrk! Ow! Shhhhhh...L-lemmy... you're doing g-good...
Roy:Geez Lemmy!! Calm Down!!
Nurse:All done! (She takes the needle out)
Lemmy:Ow...(he loosens his grip, but still holds on to Regina but this time he wraps his arms around her neck burying his face in her neck shaking and whinpering)
Regina:Alright Roy! Your turn! Ow...
Nurse:Ma'am! I think we better check those cut wounds out
Regina:No! Not until all the koopalings had their shots!
Nurse:But Ma'am-!
Regina:No buts! Go ahead Roy...
(As instructed, Roy gets on and lays down on his back/shell on the bed)
Nurse:Alright! Here we go...(she inject the needle into Roy's neck)
Roy:Hmph!(he crosses his arms)
Regina:You doing okay Roy?(she uses her free hand to gently pat Roy's shoulder)
Roy:Yeah I'm alright...
Nurse:All done!(she takes the needle out)
(The two(because Regina was still holding Lemmy in her arms) walks to the lobby to find the group patiently waiting for them)
Regina:Ludwig! Come get your brother. Roy! Go sit down and BEHAVE yourself. Iggy! Your turn...
(As everyone was doing what they were told until Morton noticed the bloodied cuts on her sides)
Morton:Lady Hurt!!
Ludwig:Wha...?(he gets Lemmy off of Regina before noticing the cuts himself)
Wendy:Oh My Gosh!! What happened!?
Roy:Heh heh see Lem-
Regina:Sit!! Now!!
(Roy immediately sits down with his siblings as Iggy jumps up and rushing up to Regina following her and the nurse to the back as Ludwig carries Lemmy back to their seats and holds him in his arms)
Ludwig:Do we want to know what happened Roy?
Wendy:You didn't do that did you?!
Roy:What!? No!?
Ludwig:*Sighs* Oh boy...wonder how Iggy gonna take it...
(Meawhile back in the Nurse's Office)
Nurse:Lay down here for me(she pats the bed)
Iggy:*Giggles*Whatever you say lady(he jumps onto the bed and lays on his back/shell offering his hand to Regina to which she accepts)
Nurse:Here we hold still(she injects the needle into Iggy's neck)
Iggy:*Laughs uncontrollably*(he grips Regina's hand slightly tighter)
Regina:' he hiding the pain by laughing?'
Nurse:All done!(she takes the needle out)
Iggy:*Giggles*It hurts so much to laugh, but it's so funny!!

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