The True Meaning of Family pt.1

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(This is an inspiration of a fanfiction called Super Koopalings Episode 16:A Jasper in the rough)
Regina:Coming! 'Must be either Kamek, Bowser, or either one of tue Koopalings' (she goes to the door and opens to finds a big and tall koopa who just like Larry, but hair color is the same as Iggy's) name is James Koopa...I came over because...I made a mistake and I need your help...
(Regina didn't know what to say...she didn't know this person at all)
Regina:What kind of help...
James:I been hearing from people that you watch over children no matter who and what they are, but I also hear that you've been mainly watching over some certain koopas...and...I think you know may know my biological children...
Regina:'I don't think I should trust him...but he claim to have made a mistake about his biological kids...and he wants to make it right again...' Umm...come in...I guess...tell me all about it...
James:Thank you miss...?
Regina:Ms. Haywood! But you can call me Regina!
James:Thank you Regina!(He comes in)
(After 2 hours...)
James:*Sniffles* And that's what happened...
(Regina sat there in full shock, anger, sadness, disappointment, and sympathy(for the kids))
Regina:Yeah you really messed up...
James:I know...I already know their names, blood, and etc. but I don't know exactly who they are. I managed to get their DNA and mine just to see if their mine turns out they are mine...I wanted to know if you know them or knew them...
Regina:...Let me see the evidence...
James:Oh okay...(He handed her the papers of the children he claims are his, and when Regina looks into them carefully...her expression soon turns to shock...with both her eyes and mouth wide open)
Regina:Jesus christ... okay miss?
(Regina jumped off of the couch and ran to the kitchen phone and began dialing the number frantically)
(Meanwhile at Bowser's Castle...)
Shyguy:Lord Bowser!! Regina is on the line!!
Bowser:Wait really!? Alright...put her on!
Bowser jr:Yay!! Aunty!! (He jumps onto Bowser's lap)
(Shyguy does as told and hands the phone to Bowser)
Bowser:What's happening?
Regina:*Whimpering and sniffling* B-bowser...I-I-I....
Bowser:Wait...are you crying? What happened!? Did something happened!?
Bowser jr:What's wrong papa?
Regina:W-w-we need t-to t-t-t-talk...*Sniffles*
Bowser:About what?
Regina:*Whimpers* I-I t-think I-I came across t-the Koopalings' b-biol-logical f-father...

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