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4 months later

"I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME." I yelled as I slapped Levi a crossed the face.

"I don't. I lied." He said as he stood next to this new girl he likes. Her name.. Pieck.

I stared at the beautiful girl. She was so much more better than me. He had his arm wrapped her around her.

I almost felt like crying.. I was shaking intensely. "It's time for you to go.. Eren."

"W-wait a minute. Levi we can figure this out. Come on just.. Tell me why don't you love me? We've been together for four months doing way better we were before.." I stand up and go over to him.

He shook his head. "Sorry Eren. But I just.. Don't love you."

"Please.. Can you try to?" I asked knowing the answer.

"Back off him." Pieck said as she stepped infront of Levi. Her ass directly on him.

I backed up and frowned. I don't want to go.. "We were doing so good.. Levi.. Why?"

I let all my tears drop from my eyes. "Please Levi.." I drop to my knees as Pieck moved out the way. "I'm begging you.."

"Eren don't you see? I cheated on you. I slept with Pieck. You still want to be with me?" He asked.

"YES. FUCK I WANT TO BE WITH YOU LEVI." I shout as I lay my head on the floor.

"Eren. Look at me." He spoke as he bent down.

I lifted my head to look at him. He had a serious look on his face. "It was a prank." He smirked.

My eyes widened. I stood up and wiped my face. "T-that's not even fucking funny." I spat.

He stood up. "It wasn't. But then again it was.." Levi started to chuckle.

I wasn't laughing nor did I actually feel relieved it was a joke. I pushed him away and walked past the girl who was confused.

"EREN!" Levi called out for me. "You need to go. Thanks for the help Pieck."

"No problem Levi." She smiled. She went out of the house before me and shut the door.

I rolled my eyes and go to open it only for Levi to pull me back. "Woah woah. Where are you going babe?" He asked. "It was a prank."

"She backed her ass up on you. I saw her blushing. Fuck that." I said as I turn to look at him.

"Shut up I don't care if she was blushing." He said as he hugged me. "It was just a prank babe."

"Fuck you." I push him away.

He stumbled back before looking at the floor. He then looked up at me with a glare. Uh oh..

I prepared for impact but instead he sighed loudly. "I'm sorry.. Okay? I didn't mean to hurt you." He grabbed my hands bringing me back to the couch. He sat me down. "Forgive me please."

I frowned. "Fine just.. I don't know.. If your going to do a prank don't get someone to back their asses up on you."

"I didn't know she was gonna do that." He shrugged.

"Whatever." I frown before slowly hugging him. I then grab his ass. "Sit on my lap."

"WHAT? No. I'm a sadist. I'm not a bottom."

"Come on. You owe me for almost breaking my heart."

He groaned loudly before slowly getting on my lap. "Just know you'll never EVER, get to fuck me like I fuck you." He said with a smirk.

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