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1 month later.

Being with Levi is so fun now.. He's changed a lot. He does more things for me, he loves me so much more.

"Do you want to go home?" He asked.

I shake my head at him. "But if you w-"

"No." He covered my mouth. "Stay here with me."

I smiled widely until his phone rang. He groaned and picked it up. "Hello?"

He stayed quiet and moved himself away from me. "Fuck you." Was all he said before he hung up.

I sat up. "W-what happened?" I asked.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it babe." He gave me a warming smile.

I frowned. He's not the same. He would usually yell at me and tell me to leave but now he's just giving me fake smiles that you could think he would be honest, but the smiles are fake.

"Tell me." I demanded as I stare into his silver eyes.

A flash of anger went through his eyes. He then stood up. "Just come with me. Let's go do something."

"L-like?" I'll drop it because he's trying to be calm I can see it. I won't push his buttons.

"Wanna watch me practice with my band?" He asked.

A smile appeared and I nodded intensely.


We were standing at the garage of Hanji's house. All their equipment were there so as Levi's band mates. "Hey Eren!" Hanji giggled as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Hey." I hugged her back. "What song are you guys practicing?" I asked as we pulled back.

"Uhm.." Petra thought about it. "We don't even know."

Levi stood there. "I know which one." He said as he grabbed his notebook from his backpack. He showed them and I really wanted to know. He then showed me and I never heard of this one before. "Unreleased." He read my mind.

I smiled at him and sat down. They all started to practice even though Levi seemed off.. Most likely because of what happened awhile ago. I frowned and I wanted to give him a hug but his band doesn't know he's gay.

"Remember the concert is in a week. " Levi said as he put his notebook away.

"You know what else is in a week?" Erwin asked with a smirk. I smiled widely. Levi's birthday in in a week. Fuck christmas, ITS LEVI'S BIRTHDAY.


His birthday is before the concert so I want to make sure everything is perfect. Which means.. I need Hanji's number.

While Levi's asleep I grab his phone and try to guess his password only to be locked out of it for 5 minutes. Dammit.

Who doesn't do their password as their birthdays!

I frown. He moved a bit in his bed and I quickly fake sleep. He wrapped his arm around me and I blushed. I waited awhile until I moved him away. Sorry Levi. I want to cuddle you too! But first I need to figure out your password.


What if I just..

0330.. (Is this Eren's birthday? It's correct right)

My birthdate.

I tried it and it immediately unlocked.

I stared at him. I almost giggled. I kissed his cheek. Cute. I should change my password to his birthday. God I sound like a bad boyfriend..

I sigh and start looking through his contacts. I find Hanji's. I then immediately get the others, Petra and Erwins.

I put them into my phone before shutting Levi's phone off. Only to be startled by coughs.

I turn my head to meet Levi's silver eyes. "What are you doing?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm just l-"

"Seeing if I cheated?" He folded his arms. "Are you suspecting me of cheating?" His eyes got sad.

"W-WHAT? NO." I give him his phone back.

"So what we're you doing." He gave me a small frown.

I can't tell him.. It'll ruin the surprise. "I was just.." I don't know a good lie.

"I would never cheat on you again.." He mumbled "again." "Eren.. You don't have to worry.. Please believe me." He grabbed my hands and stared into my eyes.

He then let go and grabbed his phone he unlocked his phone and gave it to me. "Here you can keep checking.".

I stared at him in disbelief. I hate that he looks so sad. I can only see him so much in the dark but I can see how hurt he looks.

"N-no.. I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking for you cheating." I gave him his phone back.

He pushed it back to me. "Just look."

"Baby I don't think your cheating on me." I put it to the side of him.

I wrapped my arms around him and kiss him softly. He slowly kissed me back before we both pulled back. "Okay.." Was all he said before he laid back and laid me down onto his chest.

I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder as he rubs my hair out of my face. Slowly, we both fell asleep cuddling eachother..


Two days before Levi's birthday.

I've been in contact with Hanji, Erwin, and Petra nonstop. A cute little surprise party. Oh and I invited Mikasa and Armin to fully meet Levi.

They know we're dating but I made sure they didn't tell Levi's friends/band mates to tell them we're dating.

Now I'm at the store buying Levi's favorite tea. Black Tea!

I then tried to figure out his favorite food. It's so h- WAIT A MINUTE. I'm so dumb!

His favorite food is steak. That's literally what he gets every time we go out to eat at a restaurant. But I need to learn how to make it. Damn..

Whatever. I got Beef steak, no bones obviously. I got two packs for him and I. I then go and check out getting ready to go to my place.

I put everything away and start to wrap Levi's one gift. I learned that Levi hates pointless things so since this isn't pointless, it's enough.

Then, my phone rings.


"HEY EREN!" Hanji yelled through the phone.

"Hey!" I said calmly.

"Everything is ready on our side. We have the confettis ready, then we have the balloons.. Also the cake. But we know Levi's not gonna eat it sadly."

"I'll force him." I smirked.

"Aw you guys would be a good couple." She giggled.

I blushed. Too bad we already are. "No we wouldnt!" I said with a hint of hesitation.

"Yes you guys would! Maybe you should ask him out on his birthday. Wait." She paused. "Are you even gay?"

"N-no." I said calmly.

"Aw man! Oh well. It's okay." She giggled again. "See you soon!"

"Bye Hanji!" I said before I hung up.

Another special gift for Levi... His favorite thing to do is to be a sadist. You know what that means.. I won't be walking for awhile.

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