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Levi's POV

It's christmas and today I am at the mall with Hanji and Erwin. I don't know why they asked for us to go out but I really think it has something to do with my birthday. No offense to my friends, I would rather be with Eren right now.

Even Petra didn't come. Oh well.

I split up with them to buy them a quick gift since I didn't get them anything before. I mean.. Not to be be rude but I honestly was just gonna focus on making songs today.

I buy Hanji, Petra, Erwin, and Eren stuff. But I realized.. It's Eren.

I can't just buy him anything... I walk towards the cds area of the store. He's inlove with music. I learned that ever since we met.

I looked at some cds and smirked when I saw my bands cds. Cool. I bought a couple of Eren's likings and smiled at how good I did.

After we were done with the mall we started to drive to my house. I got out the car with the gifts and I saw Eren's car there. I raised an eyebrow. I know he can get in, only because I gave him a house key.. But I thought we were all meeting at his house..


I shrug and quickly put the gifts into the bag. I make it neat before turning around to see Hanji and Erwin at the door. I jogged over to them with the gifts before Hanji opened the door.

That brat. He left my door unlocked! Whatever.

I walked in and it was very.. Dark. Maybe he was asleep?

Hanji switched on the light before..

"SURPRISE!!" I hear four voices speak.

I dropped the bags and looked at the people near my couch. Eren.. Petra? And his two other friends. What were their names.. Oh yeah, Mikasa and Armin.

Eren walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I slowly wrapped my arms around him and looked at Petra who was smiling widely.

I whispered, "Thank you for this.. Baby." I whispered so quietly I don't even think he heard me.

He smiled as he pulled back. "Armin Mikasa, this is Levi. My friend and also the celebrity." He giggled.

I didn't want to shake their hands but oh well. I shook their hands and gave them a small smile. I then felt a bit bad since I didn't get them anything. I wouldn't know what they want anyway.

"So gifts." I said as I went back to the door and grabbed the gifts. I gave Hanji's hers, she immediately opened it. I got her ties(she's always blabbering about how much she wants more.) I also got her a scientific book. Then I got her a weird puzzle. She's inlove with puzzles.

She was so happy she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back for a second before pulling away. She giggled. I then gave Erwin his. Inside were condoms and a sex toy for boys. (Not the gay ones.) There was also a note saying, 'Since your a horny person like me, here you go sadist.'

He read the note and immediately closed the bags. He chuckled before giving me a high-five. Lastly was Eren. He looked at the bag before taking it. He happily opened it and looked down. I got him some rings, it goes with his style. I then got him the cds. Also I added a little uh.. Hm.. A 'photo' of something in his bag which he immediately blushed and stared at me. He then giggled. "THANK YOU." He wrapped his arms arms around me tightly.

I hugged him back for a bit longer. I then pulled away. Then everyone gave me a gift even Mikasa and Armin. I hate gifts that have no meaning to it so hopefully they got me meaningful gifts.

Armin got me books he thinks I would like. Surely Eren told him that I like books. Mikasa got me a silver ring. Most likely Eren told her to get that, which thank you very much, both good things for me and meaningful. Hanji got me leather gloves and other types of gloves. Thank god, I love gloves. Erwin got me cheap alcohol. Now when it comes to alcohol, I love cheap alcohol. Rich alcohol tastes like shit. It tastes like it would be cheaper than cheap alcohol. Then it came to Eren. I smiled widely. He got me a lot of cleaning supplies, the supplies that I use and actually work. He then got me a lot of black tea.

I wanted to kiss him so badly but I couldn't. I was so happy for the black tea. Honestly love it so much. But not more than Eren. If Eren didn't get me shit, I wouldn't even care. Just him being here is the biggest gift ever.

I thanked everyone and for the rest of the time we played weird boring games that I could honestly careless about. I only played it for Eren.

I sat besides him as we played all the games. Finally I kicked everyone out.

Eren turned to me. "Let's play another game." He smirked.

"Okay. What's the game?" I asked.

"So basically.." He grabbed alcohol from behind him. I glared at him. I don't want him to be a drinker like me. But I'll let it go just for today. "It's never have I ever."

I raised an eyebrow. "How do you play?"

He gasped. "You never played never have I ever?" He asked. I shook my head at him. "Well. Everytime I ask or you ask something.. Here something like "Never have I ever kissed a girl" if you have you drink, if you haven't then I drink."

I nodded. Pretty easy. He poured into two cups and gave me one. "You go first."

"Okay. Never have I ever.. Went to a fun island" I stared at him. I think he really just wanted to drink.


He took a sip from his cup and made a face. "I thought it was gonna be good."

I rolled my eyes before chuckling. "Never have I ever wanted to do doggy style." I smirked. He blushed intensely before picking up his cup. He took a sip and made a face again. "We couldve if you said so."

"Shush." He puts his cup down. "Never have I ever.. Wrote a book."

I rolled my eyes. "These are boring questions. Drink." He giggled before drinking then making no face. Seems like he's used to i- spoke to soon. He made a face. "Never have I ever.. Had a threesum." Please say no. Pleasee say no.

"I was a virgin before I met you." He giggled.

"But what if you had a threesum when we weren't talking. When I was getting help." I said as I looked him in the eye.

He rolled his eyes. "Drink!" He said happily. Thank god. I took a sip from my cup and made no face. It was a pretty good damn sip.

The game went on and on until I got bored. I wanted to ask one more question. "Never have I ever had sex on the roof."

His eyes slightly widened. "D-drink."

I drink the rest from my cup before setting it on the table.

"Let's change that."

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