2 years later

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2 years later

Me and chris had been married for 2 years now, we had a beautiful baby girl called Sarah and I was 8 months pregnant with a baby boy. We were so happy, we still lived in Boston obviously, I had hired a manager to help out at the dogs home so I could be at home more and chris took a step back from acting. Everything was going amazingly.
Lily and Seb had 2 kids now Eric was 4, Gemma was 2 and they were expecting there 3rd any day now. They were still living in New York and Seb was taking a step back from acting too.
I couldn't believe how much life had changed for me.
It's been nearly 6 years since Eric died and I still grieve for him every day. He will always be my first love and I miss him. Chris is so unbelievably supportive of me, remembering him and still going to his grave. He has actually come with me many times and spoke with Eric. I found that so amazing of him.

Loving chris has been the best thing I have ever done in my entire life and now we have this incredible family. He is an amazing husband and an incredible dad.

"Do you know where my blue plaid shirt is?"
"Wash I think"
Chris walked in to the kitchen with his jeans hanging loose on his hips and he was shirtless. Dear god this man was trying to kill me. Being 8 months pregnant meant I was horny pretty much all the time and he didn't help when he walked around looking like something from a magazine.
"Babe.....seriously put a T-shirt on"
"You know why.....I can't resist you"
"Mmmmmm well" I walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me "that's not a bad thing is it? After all these years"
"Definitely not a bad thing but I'm 8 months pregnant so as much as I want you to take me where I stand right now, I'm so uncomfortable I don't think I could"
He rubbed my stomach "I'm sorry baby, I wish I could take some of the pain away"
"Don't be sorry chris, I'm carrying our baby boy. I'm happy"
He smiled down at me and kissed me. "I knew you were meant for me the minute I saw you"
I laughed "oh really"
"Yeah and when you punched lily I was so turned on"
"Chris......." I whined he knew what he was doing to me "stop"
"I can't help it if my wife is a bad ass and it turns me on"
He went to kiss me again until he heard Sarah shouting for him "dadadadadada"
"I think your wanted"
"Coming princess" he walked off into the living room where she was playing in her pen. The dogs all by her side as always.
Chris picked her up and bought her to the kitchen. "Mamama"
"Hello my sweet girl" I tried to take her from chris but she wrapped her tiny little arms around his neck.
"Well I guess she is still a daddy's girl"
Chris smiled at me "Sarah you hungry princess"
"Okay mummy will make lunch"
"I can do it if you want"
"No it's okay"
I started making sandwiches when I heard a knock on the door. Chris went and opened it "Omg what are you guys doing here?"
I walked to the door and saw lily and seb and the kids "lils you shouldn't be up and about your nearly close to dropping"
"I know but we have some exciting news and I couldn't wait to tell you"
We make our way to the living room, Sarah sees Seb "unca Seb up"
He laughed and picked her up "hello squish. I missed you"
"Miss ooo twwwo"
"Awwww she is so cute"
Eric came running to me and hugged me "auntie Abbie?"
"Yes sweetie"
"When's your baby coming cuz my baby brother or sister will be here soon"
"Hopefully not yet mate, still got 1 whole month to go"
He nodded sadly and walked over to play with the toys. I saw Gemma todel over to chris "unca isss" I laughed. Chris picked her up and sat her on her lap. It always made me laugh with our girls. They would swap daddy for uncle as soon as we visited or they visited.
"So what's the news?"
"Well how would you feel if we said we were moving to Boston?"
"Yeah, we want all the kids to grow up together and I miss you"
"I miss you too"
Obviously we were two very pregnant woman so we started crying, I saw chris and seb look at each other and smirk.
"Be great to have you close dude"
"Yeah it would. How would you feel about really close?"
I looked over at Seb "we are buying the house next door"
"OMG!!" I stood up suddenly and felt a rush of water down my legs "shit"
"What's up?" Chris asked "I looked down at the puddle and looked up at him "my water just broke"
"Omg!" Lily stood up and also looked down "erm Seb my water just broke too"
I started laughing and so did lily "are you two for real! Do you have to everything together?"
Chris called his mum and had her come and sit with the kids. Luckily she loved children so didn't mind. Chris drove me and seb drove lily to the hospital. When we got there we were put in the same room. Chris spoke to the doctor and they said it was okay until we needed to be taken to delivery.
We were both sucking down gas and air and the men were pacing as always.
After 2 hours lily had given birth to a beautiful baby boy he weighed 7lbs exactly and they named him Peter. Peter Ryan Stan. Peter was Eric middle name.
Another 2 hours later and our baby boy finally made an appearance he was early but he was healthy we called him Robert Peter Evans and he weight 6lbs 4oz. Chris was so unbelievably sweet and wanted to give him Eric's middle name. We didn't know lily was going to name her child after him because we didn't know what she was having but it was okay. We talked about it and everything was okay.

We spent a few days in hospital. Seb finalised the house and moved everything in as quickly as possible. And then we were home.
Seb and Lily next door with there 3 beautiful children and us with our 2 beautiful children.
We spent every waking moment together, if chris and seb were away me and lily would have all the kids at one house and do big sleep overs.
I loved our family. I was so proud of everything me and chris had made together. I truly never believed I would have this. And now I'm the happiest I have ever been.
Time goes by and wounds heal and now I couldn't imagine my life any other way.

The end

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