1 month later

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It was Sebastian's birthday today and he had planned a party for himself at the local club down town. He was also planning on surprising lily by proposing to her tonight. I was so excited for them.
I still hadn't spoken to Chris, he had tried calling but I never answered. I knew he had been speaking with Seb but Seb never really said what he had asked about.
I was just finishing getting ready when lily popped her head around the door.
"Hey Abbie"
"Hey lily, you okay?"
She shook her head and started crying, I got up quickly and hugged her "what's wrong?"
"I'm pregnant"
"Omg that's amazing"
She just started crying more, I pulled her to sit in the bed "have you told Seb?"
She shook her head "what if he isn't happy?"
"Lily he loves you of course he is going to be happy."
"I don't know Abbie, what if we aren't ready for this"
"Lily you and Seb have been together nearly 3 years, you are more then ready."
She smiled "you look really pretty by the way"
"Thank you, so do you"
We hug again and here Seb shout from downstairs as we make our way down, I struggle to walk in my heels. My dress is simple nothing fancy, but has a thigh high split.
Lily stops in front of me and I walk into her. I laugh "jeez lil, warning next time" I look up and see Chris standing there behind Seb. I feel my heart start to race and I look at Seb who has such a guilty look on his face.
"Abbie, you look amazing"
There was silence and then lily spoke up "so what are you doing here? Here to break my best friends heart again?"
"Lily don't okay. Let's just go"
I walk passed Chris and out of the door, I get into the back of the car and try to stay calm. Lily gets in the back with me and seb and Chris are at the front.
She grabs my hand and squeezes it, I look over and smile at her. I'm not going to let him ruin this night.
As we pull up to the club, Seb and lily go ahead, Chris catches my hand "can we talk?"
"No we can't, I'm here to enjoy a night out with my best friends. I don't need to talk to you Chris" and with that I walked inside. I spent the night avoiding him as much as possible.
It was the time of the night for Seb to make his announcement, I went over to the DJ and asked him to turn the music down, I handed the mic to Seb.
"Hello, I just want to say thank you to everyone for being here for my birthday. It's been an incredible night. But most of all I want to say thank you to this amazing women next to me. Lily you have been everything to me for the last 3 years, I knew we were meant to be the first time I saw you. I love you so much." Lily looks over to me and I smile and as she look back Seb is down on one knee "Lily, will you marry me?"
She squeals and jumps up and down and screams yes!! Everyone laughs and claps. I go over and give them both a huge hug "I'm so happy for you" lily smiles and nods "Seb?"
"Yes baby"
"I need to tell you something"
"Okay, your not changing your mind are you?"
"God no! Erm.....I'm pregnant"
I stood there looking at my two best friends as Seb picks lily up and spins her around, he kisses her with so much passion and tells her he loves her while caressing her stomach. I can feel the tears coming, so I slip away before I ruin this happy moment. I go upstairs and step out into the little balcony they have. I'm crying, I'm so happy for them but it just makes me remember that I don't have that anymore. Me and Eric were supposed to be getting married and having babies and we are not. It was hard to see someone else living a life you so desperately wanted. I thought maybe I could have that life again just for a brief moment with Chris but then that was pulled away from me. As I wipe my tears I turn around and see him standing there.
"Hi" I try to walk past him but he holds onto my arm "Abbie please I just want to talk"
"About what Chris? You tell me you like me and that you want to date when filming finishes and then you don't come back here, you ignore my messages and you have a girlfriend. What is there to say?"
"I don't have a girlfriend"
"You know I just don't care. I was so worried I would never be ready to move on but you made me feel like I could. And then you ripped it away. So I'm sorry Chris but I don't want to talk"
"Please Abbie im so sorry, I don't have an excuse to why I acted the way I did but I regret it okay."
"You shouldn't. It just wasn't meant to be Chris"
He just stares at me, I walk away and head on downstairs. I walk over to Seb and lily who are dancing and let them know I'm heading home.
I call a cab and head on home.
When I get back, I get undressed and put some comfortable pjs on and get ready for bed. I'm so happy for Seb and lily, there going to have there own little family and there going to get married. Love is an amazing thing.

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