EIGHT | warning

390 7 9

Monty wasn't a silence kind of guy. He preferred Aspen's usual sarcasm, her subtle flirtatiousness, and her warm body-heat up against him— but today, she walked a distance away from his body, not even stealing the smallest of glances in his direction.

He knew the familiar route they walked along— they were headed back to his Green Room, where he'd likely spend many hours alone.

"You puttin' me on timeout, Sugar?" Monty asked with a laugh, looking down at the stubborn woman beside him who scoffed at his ignorance.

Unbeknownst to Aspen, Monty enjoyed her company and took pride in having her by his side. There was something about her that sparked him, mainly sexually— though a twinge of something else lingered within his feelings. He couldn't explain; it was something he hadn't heard of before, but had seen many times.

She raised her brows and snapped, "in a way. I guess I'm just making sure you aren't trying to pick up every woman in the damned building."

The Gator, stunned by her sudden aggression, eyed her down carefully. Anything he'd say would rile her up even more— and he knew that was unavoidable, so he spoke what came to mind.

"It was just harmless flirting, baby," he replied, his tail swiftly moving to snake around her body and slide her closer to him, keeping up their pace. "I'm sure you understand— sometimes, you get a little lonely."

Aspen smacked at his tail in an attempt to push him away, though to no avail— he was metal, after all, and much stronger than her. Besides, did she really want to push him away, or was she just jealous?

Aspen shook her head. "I hardly understand, Monty, although I get what you're hinting at. You need a woman to satisfy your desires everyday, do you?"

They had arrived to Monty's Green Room, after what felt like ages of walking through the crowd that so desperately craved the Gator's attention, high fives, or even just his mere words.

Monty ignored her question— of course, he didn't need a woman every day. He understood that she was angry, or better yet, jealous.

His room, always blocked off from the public and curtained off to shield his messes, was only inches away and Monty, after waving at several children, hit the button and allowed their entrance— his strong tail dragging Aspen along with him.

She couldn't fight back, not able to escape his long, green and yellow tail that snaked along her waist, taking her wherever he went, until finally, it was gone.

She was free from his touch.

"Monty, answer my question— oomf!"

The door slammed closed and suddenly, Aspen's back had been roughly and abruptly pressed against cold metal— on both sides.

Monty had pinned her against the door, arms on either side of her head. He enjoyed seeing her writher under his cold, intense glare, but he wanted to make her squirm for him.

Aspen could read the lust that flared within his scarlet red eyes. He eyed her lips, licking at his own eagerly; like he was eyeing his next meal. He glanced at her breasts, her toned legs, then back up to her puppy-dog eyes.

"What are you doing?" Aspen asked in a whisper which Monty silenced, shaking his head and gently moving a finger overtop her lips.

He shifted all of his weight onto his one arm, leaning over her coyly; she couldn't escape him, not even if she wanted to.

Given his immense height, he could see right into her dress; her black laced bra making him smirk— it was almost as if she had dressed up knowingly, although that was impossible.

TASTE OF METALLIC ( monty gator x oc )Where stories live. Discover now