𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝒾𝓋𝑒

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Nyx's POV

While Phastos worked on his new invention, Druig and I sat near the plants. 

Everytime I looked up from my scroll I was reading, I saw him looking at me. "What?" I finally asked. 

"I'm not doing anything." He shrugged. 

"Phastos. Did you go to the party last night like I told you to?" Ajak asked making her presence known.

Phastos scoffed. "The party, yeah. Yeah, it was..." 

Druig cut him off. "He worked all night." I kicked his foot.

"Who was talking to you?" Phastos turned to him. 

"Get a life." Ajak said. "And where is Sersi?" 

"Late as usual." 

I leaned against the wall and suddenly everything around me became darker and all the other's voices sounded like echoes. The scroll dropped out of my hands and rolled onto the floor. Druig sat up and looked around. 

Suddenly everything went back to normal. 


"Hmm." I turned to Ajak with wide eyes. 

"Is everything all right?" She asked. I don't think she noticed what happened.

"Yeah, yeah. Everything, fine. Yep. I just kind of..." I picked up the scroll. I don't think she believed everything was going well. "I just...blacked out for a minute there." 

I blacked out. How original. 

Druig was trying to hide a smile on his face and then he got up to go and get some water.

"What is it?" Ajak asked looking at the holographic model in the middle of the room. 

"It's an engine. It moves steam from high pressure to low pressure. Uh, it'll help them till their fields at an incredibly fast rate." Phastos explained. 

"It's gonna freak them out." Sprite added.

"I mean, they only have had the wheel 1,000 years, so..." Druig stated. 

"You know, we could do that thing you know, where you use your mind to control them and then they could do it quicker." Phastos added. 

"Ajak, you listening to this?" 

"Phastos, this steam..." Ajak tried to remember the word. 

"Engine. It's a steam engine."

"It's too soon." 

Suddenly Sirse ran into the room.

"And there she is." Ajak exclaimed.

"What did I miss?" She asked out of breath.

"Nothing just the screams of my deep disappointment." Phastos said. 

"I am sure you have something simpler." 


"Like the inside of Druig's head." I suggested. 

"You know what, Nyx." He turned to me. 

"There's an idea." Phastos said. He turned back to his hologram. "Okay, let's see. Uh...Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the plow." He folded his hands in front of him. "'Cause that's what it does. Plows dirt." He still seemed a little hurt from his first idea. 

"I met another group of settlers who are building their homes in the northern fields. They'll need to plant their own crops." Sirse added. 

"Thanks, Sersi."

"Listen,humanity may be coming along slower than some of us want. But there is no telling what wonders they will discover as they advance." Ajak said. 


I wasn't listening to the story Sprite was telling but the humans seemed to love it. 

I walked over to where Druig was trading with a few other men. 

"My beautiful, Nyx." He got up and walked over to me. "Where've you been?" He asked. 

"No where specific." I playfully rolled my eyes. "Just trying to find something." I pulled out the small piece of emerald I had found. I handed it to him so he could see it. 

"Hmm." He looked at it. 

"What?" I asked. 

"It reminds me of someone." He said. "Someone who has the most beautiful emerald eyes I've ever seen." He held it in front of my eye. 

I scoffed and pushed his hand out of my face.

Across the room a fight was happening. Druig stopped the fight by making all the men slap themselves. They all let out a cheer and hugged it out.

Makkari slapped him. "When humans have conflict, Ajak tells us not to interfere." She signed.

"Well, she also says that stealing is very, very bad." He grabbed an artifact she had found. 

"If you won't tell. I wont tell." She signed.



The next couple of days were normal. 

I helped a woman teach her daughter how to weave. It was one of Phastos' newest inventions. 

"What are you doing?" Druig asked walking up to me. 

"Weaving..." I moved aside the strings so I could see his face. "like a lady." I tilted my head. 

"Well, that doesn't sound like you." He said. He walked to the other side of me to see what I was making. "What is it exactly?" 

"Hmm." I stood up to get the same view as him. "It looks like it could be a butterfly." I shrugged. 

"I was thinking it was a tiger." He said. 

"No, butterfly." 

"Tiger." He argued. "Either way it's better than nothing." He wrapped his arm around my waist and planted his lips on mine. We turned back to look at the thing I had made. "You know, it does, in some way resemble a butterfly." I nodded. 


We all watched as Sersi and Ikaris made there finally steps in being together forever.

I sighed watching the two of them make their final vows. I was happy for Sersi and Ikaris. He was stubborn and arrogant but, she brought out the better, kinder sides of him.

The moment was ruined when Druig took a bite out of an apple.

"Must you eat constantly?" I looked back at him.

"What else am I supposed to do?" 

"Congratulate them." I said.


Okay, Eternals is finally on Disney+ so I will be updating a lot tomorrow. Also, I would go back and read the other chapters, I can't remember if I changed anything yet.

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