sweltering hot

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the whole family was still celebrating the return of casita and praising mirabel. everyone was dancing, drinking, laughing. all the usual stuff. it was really nice actually, i could see my parents in the distance dancing with eachother, they havent done that since their wedding. i smiled. all the sappy couples around, lowkey making me cringe but it was nice. suddenly, i feel a hand on my shoulder, it was camilo
"hey cami! what's up cariño"
"hey hermosa are you okay?"
"yeah i am? why?"
"you've just been zoning out recently, that's all"
"oh! no i'm fine cami, i'm just a bit tired so i might go home soon"
"wait no, actually y/n, could you please stay with me?" he grabbed my hands and looked at me with puppy eyes. i think for a bit. he just looks at me more funny than he did before. i sighed
"alright, let me ask ma and pa" i say, giving in. he cheered and walked with me to my parents
"y/n! ready to leave cariña?" my mom asks me, just a little tipsy
"actually ma, i was hoping i could stay over here tonight"
"is it okay with you?" she asks camilo
"yes! i asked my ma and pa already" he says, straightening his back and smiling genuinely although it had hints of nervousness in it
"alright y/n you can stay, but it cant be like this all the time! we want you at home too!" injust smiled and thanked her, than camilo and i ran off to his room. he pulled me up the stairs and practically yanked me into his room and tackled me onto the bed, latching his arms around me and nuzzling his face into my neck.
"hey, cami, you okay?"
"i just missed you y/n"
"what do you mean? we've been together basically all day and all night-"
"ay y/n, you're so oblivious"
"i just want cuddles and kisses" he said, hiding his flushed face into my neck. i giggle at him
"arent we cuddling right now though?" i asked him
"yeah but i dont see the kissing part happening right now" he smirked. i just rolled my eyes and he got up a bit to kiss me. we basically had a makeout session until he moved to my neck. he was sucking on a few spots and one spot in particular just made me,,,
"cam- oh-"
i stopped myself right there
now that, is embarrassing
i hid my face in one of my hand and covered my mouth with the other. he just kept sucking on that same spot and it started to tickle. i giggled a little bit and he layed down next to me, stopping
"why are you giggling?" he asks, a little confused
"i just tickled a bit, thats all" i smiled. he smiled back at me
"its sweltering hot right now" he said
i only just realised that it was hotter than usual
"yeah it is actually, what the fuck" i check the temperature and saw 38 degrees celsius (too lazy to conver it to fahrenheit) the fuck? i showed camilo.
"it's gonna be even hotter tomorrowwww" he whined, leaving the bed
"where are you going?"
"i'm getting a hair tie"
"omg-" he left. he ties his hair up when it's hot? thats so fucking cute. he came back with a hair tie and he put it in his mouth while trying to gather all his hair. i could see how hard he was struggling and i giggled. poor guy.
"hey cami.. want some help?" i asked him
"yes please" he sighed "i usually get dolores to do it for me but she's busy with mariano" i just smiled and gathered his hair up together and tied it up. he looked so cute with his hair up
"oh y/n i thought you might not want to sleep in what you've been wearing all day" he handed me a white t-shirt and a (whatever colour u want) ruana. i thanked him and was about to go to the bathroom to get changed until i got stopped.
"not changing in front of me? damn, i'm hurt mi amor" he said jokingly. i just laughed at him.
"i'll get dressed in here but you have to look away" he agreed as i went to a corner in the room and got dressed. i laughed at how big the ruana was on me, and went over to the bed with camilo.
"i can look now?" he asked
" you may" i did a little runway model thingy jokingly and he laughed and clapped his hands
"you know those clothes look great on you but they would look better draped on my floor" i rolled my eyes and went into the bed, immediately being welcomed into his warm embrace.
"you know cami, i was kinda scared and was having second thoughts about moving here, but you made my stay a hell of a lot better, i'm glad i met you"
"i'm glad i could make you comfortable princesa"
"goodnight amor" i said
"goodnight bebé"
and just like that, i was asleep in his embrace.
865 words
guys look at this fanart ( this is what the tying hair thing was inspired by )

___865 wordsguys look at this fanart ( this is what the tying hair thing was inspired by )

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art is from kiwiidekus on instagram!!

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