Chapter 2

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Yuffie's POV

Jake and Sonon were following after me outside to find Nayo, but not forgetting to get some materia from that little weird boy with short white hair, glasses, and some kind item on his shoulder. The three of us, were able to get the materia and it looks so cool, I decide to keep it because I didn't think that Jake and Sonon don't need it at all, so I kept hanging on to the materia. The three of us, were able to see Nayo just outside waiting for us, "You guys all set?" Nayo asked us. Jake looks at Nayo before nodding to her, "Yeah, let's get going." Jake said to Nayo. Nayo just looks at us before telling us, "Okay. Streets are kind of a maze, so stay close." Nayo said to all of us. Nayo started walking and showing us a way to go, "So, Nayo, where we headed?" Sonon asked Nayo. Nayo kept walking but she answer to Nayo, "To pick up your IDs. There's no way to get topside without 'em." Nayo said to Sonon. Me and Jake look at each other before I started to ask Nayo something, "But I thought Zhijie was getting our High-D's. What happened with that?" I asked Nayo with a little confused tone. Nayo just tells us, "He is, but those are different. It takes more than one ID--or even two--to survive in this town. Don't forget, Midgar was built by Shinra, for Shinra." Nayo said to us.

I looked at Nayo before telling her, "Those tyrants!" I yelled out in a pissed off way. Jake just touch my shoulder before telling me, "Not so loud, we don't want people to know about of what we are talking about." Jake said to me in serious tone. Sonon looks at me before telling me, "Jake's right Yuffie. It's best to put the claws away, Boss. Least while we're in Shinra territory." Sonon told me. I'll just made a noise to them, "Reowr!" I made a noise to the two of the guys. All of us were quiet before Nayo broke the silence, "So, Yuffie, what do you think of the undercity?" Nayo asked me. I'll looked at Nayo before telling her, "Way too crowded. I can't stand it. Ugh, and the stench! How can anyone live here?" I asked Nayo or Jake and Sonon. Sonon looks at me before telling me, "Gotta agree with you about the smell, but you get used to it quick enough." Sonon said to me. Jake looks at me before telling me, "Yeah, it wasn't easy either, when me and my little brother came here, you should've seen the look on my little brother's face when we came here, he wanted to leave as soon when we got here and not even a foot step in here and he wanted to leave already." Jake said to me with a small smile on his face.

I'll laugh at what Jake's little brother did, "Jake, you got a funny little brother. I wonder what he looks like." I said to Jake with a little smirk on my face. Jake just looks at me before telling me, "Well, he is a few feet taller than you, but he is almost the same age as you." Jake said to me. I'll just smile at this because maybe I could find someone that I don't know maybe get to know him or maybe if we got something in common, "Yuffie are you trying to get to know about my little brother?" Jake asked me with a small smile smirk on his face. I'll felt my face turned red from embarrassment, so I looked back at Nayo before she started to giggle at this before telling me about Midgar, "And the crowds stop bothering you eventually. The place can grow on you if you give it a chance." Nayo said to me. I'll looked at Nayo before asking her, "Um...wait a second. Are you actually saying you like it here?" I asked Nayo. I'll wasn't done with my sentence before telling Nayo, "I thought you hated it." I said to Nayo. Nayo kept walking but she told me, "Midgar isn't the enemy--Shinra is. I know W's don't really see the distinction, but...we do." Nayo said to me. Nayo was walking towards a building that looks like a bar in the distance that says, "Seven Heaven." on the sign, but I started talking to Nayo, "Then what was that stuff on the news? About a reactor blowin' up and all. No way that was an accident. It had to be Avalanche." I said to Nayo.

Nayo and Jake looked at me before shushing at me, I just say sorry to them before I looked at the distance to see two people walking towards the building, "Uh, what's up?" I asked Nayo. Nayo just hide somewhere to make sure that she doesn't get caught by those two people, "Those guys there are from the splinter cell." Nayo said to me. I was confused before asking Nayo, "Splinter cell?" I asked Nayo with a confused tone. Nayo looks at me before telling me, "They used to be with Avalanche, but left after a 'policy dispute.'" Nayo said to me. I'll noticed Jake was looking at the woman with long black hair, white crop top, a skirt, and red boots. Jake's (e/c) eyes were focusing on the woman closely before we started to hear their conversion, we a guy walking towards the two people before he started talking to them, "Well, look who it is. Lovin' your work! So how many reactors is that now? Wait... Where's Cloud and (Y/n)?" The guy asked the two people. Jake must've choke on himself because I hear him muttered out, "Cloud? Tife? and my little sister was here as well?" Jake muttered to himself. I'll could tell that Jake felt a happy that his little sister is okay and safe and sound. The two people looked a little sad before the big guy move his head to side before telling his buddy of his, "We lost them." The big guy said to his friend. Jake just gasp in a shock way before I see his (e/c) eyes started to let some tears down on his face, "No, no, no, no...please tell me this isn't a joke?" Jake asked himself in a upset tone.

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