Smile it's a party

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Sitting on Chris McKay's couch next to a shirtless Nate awaiting guests to show up for a party that I'd rather not be at

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Sitting on Chris McKay's couch next to a shirtless Nate awaiting guests to show up for a party that I'd rather not be at. I could think of countless other things I'd rather be doing on my last Saturday night before school starts back up. Staring down at my phone looking at where Lexi had asked if I could drop her copy of lord of the flies off before classes started on Monday only looking back up when I hear Nate mention Cassie.

"Yeah man, have you seen her slut pages?"
McKay just looks at Nate shaking his head "she's not like that man." Nate gets up from his spot next to me to go next to McKay, Roy, and Troy "Let's take a walk to the land of shame."

Frowning at that "Nate maybe you should-"
He cuts me off before I can even finish
"No McKay needs to know what kind of girl Cassie is."
Pulling out his phone and typing something then turning the phone to show everyone else.
Roy and Troy start laughing "Damn" then moaning starts and McKay gets up from his seat "You can't even tell that's her, man!"

Nate smirks up at him "you can tell that's her I mean look at the tits." Behind him, the twins start laughing "that's what I'm talking about like, tag team."

"Man shut y'all little virgin asses up like y'all would know what to do with that."

Roy speaks up "we just got a step by step tutorial my man."

Nate speaks up "you want my advice? You fuck her like the whore she is, you kick her ass to the curb."

"If you don't, we will."

Later that night as I was sitting on a couch by the pool I felt someone sit next to me turning to look at who it was my eyes widened "Rue? Oh, it's so good to see I feel like I haven't seen you all summer."
Next to her sat Fez "What up mamas, it's good to see you." Then Turing and looking at rue "come on now, bruh you owe me a hundred and twenty bucks."

"My bad, man, I forgot."

Looking at Rue I frowned I thought she was doing better, I wanted her to be doing better.

"Shit, you know I ain't trippin'.

Looking back and forth between the two watching as they passed a blunt back and forth but you could tell Rue was high out of her mind already.

"Well, to be honest with you, your whole drug shit got me feeling kind of uneasy."

"Come on don't go soft on me, Fez." She smiles at him and laughs.

Looking at Rue I don't see traces of the girl I used to play Barbie's with, who I used to want to be my maid of honor at my wedding.

"No, I'm not. It's just that I like you. And I missed you, bruh. Like that shit at the beginning of summer had me scared as fuck."

She looks over to him and frowns "yeah, you and everybody else."

"I'm serious, Rue."

"I've seen a lot of people die. None like you."

Deciding to speak up myself "Rue you know we love you right and I know me and you haven't been talking a lot ever since what happened with your dad but I still need you you'll always be my best friend even if you don't consider me yours." Deciding that would be my time to get up and leave Fez and Rue to whatever else they had to say to each other.

Walking into the kitchen to try and find a nonalcoholic drink.

Bumping into a pretty girl with bleach blonde hair "my bad I'm sorry. Hey, you must be new I don't think I've seen you around."

Looking at me she responds " Oh yeah I'm Jules I just moved here."
"Oh, that's cool where'd you move from?"

Smiling at me but before she can even respond Nate storms into the kitchen and starts screaming at everyone to get out of the kitchen.

Turning to Jules "what the fuck are you looking at?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jules I'm a friend of—" he cuts her off before she can finish.

"You're a friend of uh who? Cause you're not my fucking friend."

"Who the fuck are you friends, with Jules?"

He starts pointing out to the crowd of people huddled together watching "do any of you know who the fuck this is?"

I speak up "Nate just stop okay Jules is my friend okay so just stop."

He turns to me "oh you're friends with Jules you know her? Where do you know her from?"

"I'm not trying to start anything I'm just minding my business."

"Yeah well nobody that looks like you is minding their own fucking business."
He continues "I know what you are yeah, I see you."

All of a sudden she grabs a knife off the counter and points it at Nate "you wanna fucking hurt me?"

"No, I was just fucking kidding!"

"Back the fuck up! What the fuck is your problem?"

"Put the fucking knife down, okay," Nate says panicked.

"You wanna fucking hurt me? You have no fucking idea." As she slices into her arm with the knife and blood starts to trickle out of the cut.

After that, I turn and dart out of the kitchen and start upstairs to grab my keys so I can leave during that time I bump into Kat who's whispering something into BB's ear but when she spots me she makes her way over.

"You'll never guess what," she says."With an excited grin on her face, "I just had sex"

I lean back from her face with a large grin of my own " are you serious? To who?"

"Oh just some guy from Saint Mary's"

"I'm happy for you Kat, was it everything that you wanted?" She looked at me with a small smile on her face.

"It was close enough"

"Hey I'm getting ready to head out are you gonna need a ride or are you going with Maddy?"

"I'm good to catch a ride with Maddy, but we're still good tomorrow evening to get our nails done right?"

"Yes! I'll meet you there at the same time as last time." With that parting statement, I'm grabbing my keys and back outside walking to my car.

Parking in front of the familiar house turning off the car, grabbing my bag, and getting out walking up to the front door, and grabbing the spare key that's been kept under the mat since I was a child.

Walking past the living room where Suze is passed out in her chair walking up the steps to the room I'd spent countless nights in trying to be as careful and quiet as possible.

Taking off my heels and slipping into the bed next to Lexi as soon as I lay next to her she turns and faces me.

I smile at her "I'm sorry for blowing you off."

She smiles back "it's okay."

"It's not okay I miss spending time with you like we used to."

She looks at me with a sad look in her eyes "nothing is like it used to be."

Grabbing her hand and squeezing it "maybe tomorrow you can come with me and Kat we're going to the salon to get our nails done you should come it'll be on me"

Giving her a puppy dog look "please."

"Okay I'll go" I smile at that then she says "can I be the big spoon tonight?"

"Of course, you can." Turing the other and feeling her arm go around my waist before I fall asleep I tell her "you know you'll always be my bestie for life?"

"I know," she says it so quietly I almost didn't hear her. Closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep this is probably the only time I feel truly at peace.

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