I Believe I Can Fly

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This is a story from one of my online friends, in her POV.

This happened when she was in the 4th grade. 

Her words will be underlined. 

So when I was in 4th grade, my school had a big playground with lots of different things to do.

One of the most prized and fun things there was the swing set. 

Everyone loved the swings, and there was always a long line to go on them. 

One of the things that people loved to do was swing really high, then jump off and land on their feet. 

I was a scaredy-cat, and didn't want to. 

There was one girl that wanted me to do it, though. 

Her name was Callie(not her real name, I substituted it). 

Callie wasn't mean, she was just really pushy. 

One day, we were going to the playground. 

I brought my manga from home, and sat down to read. 

Then Callie came over, and tried to persuade me to go on the swings. 

The conversation went as follows. 

Callie: Hey (name)! How are you doing? 

Me: I'm reading my manga. 

Callie: Why don't you come swing with me today? There are 2 swings open, just for us! 

Me: No thanks, I just wanna read right now. 

Callie: Oh come on, it's just for a little bit, You don't even have to jump off! 

Me: Fine. 

I reluctantly put down my manga, we head to the swings and sit down. 

I swing off the ground, not too high, maybe 1 or 2 feet. 

Callie, however, is swinging really high in the air. 

The time is up for us to swing, and the teacher tells us to give others a turn. 

Callie jumps from the top of the swing and lands on the ground. 

She then starts yelling, "Go Higher! Jump! Go Higher, Jump!" 

She gets some other kids to chant it as well, and then I am overwhelmed by ✨peer pressure✨.  

So I swing higher, and higher, and then I jump. 

Instead of landing on my feet like Callie, I land on my arm. Hard. 

People start cheering for me. 

Then one of my classmates, Annie(not her real name), starts screaming for a teacher. 

I sit up, confused. 

The teacher takes a look at me and starts calling 911. 

I look down at my arm to see that there is a long bone sticking out of my skin. 

I poked it, laughed a bit, and passed out. 

The next thing I saw was the inside of a hospital room. 

I had broken my arm in 2 places. 

I got a cool purple cast that everyone signed. 

Looking back, I realize that Callie was being really deceptive and mean. 

We are no longer friends. 


This story certainly was a doozy!

Ironically enough, my friend is now an adrenaline junkie. 

What's your favorite anime?

Mine is called One Punch Man!

Happy Reading!


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