Chapter 29 (Random Ass Title)

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AN: 😳...Yes, it tis I. It's been like 2 months since the last update, huh? 😓 Sorry about that. Wasn't feeling it. Whenever I seen an author say "writers block", I used to think 'why don't they just follow the plot of the episode?' That was like a year or two ago, but the answer simply is: Because they don't feel like it. You'll get shitty dialogue between characters, the same episode plot which is boring without unique interactions, and no detail.

Above is Sid's "creepy" smile.

Sorry for the long ass AN. Enjoy. ❤🤪

After Sasuke was done explaining a bit about the sharingan, and boring Sid to death, Zabuza spoke up.

"Correct. The scary part is that the sharingan can understand how an opponents technique works, and copy it." He remarked as fog filled the air, something Sid took notice of.

"When I was in the Hidden Village of the Mist's assasination squad..."

That sounds so cool! Sid thought, gaining stars in her eyes. I wonder if they killed rapists and jerks like I did, or just innocent people like sensei?

"Your information was listed in the bingo book I carried asking for your capture."

I still can't believe Bakashi is in the bingo book. I may say he's weak, but he actually used to be an ANBU captain. It's in his information, Kakashi The Cold Blooded Killer. She side eyed him carefully. But I can't act sus. Otherwise those village folk people finna make up rumors about me and assume things like I'm a spy, which is something I don't have the energy to deal with. For now, I just gotta act like a cocky brat who's kinda skilled. Then again, I wasn't acting.

"It also noted this...the man who copied more than 1000 techniques, Kakashi the Copy Ninja."

Badass, can't lie.

"Wow!" Naruto yelled, amazed at the new information of his current teacher.

Sid seen Sasuke side eyeing Kakashi, and feeling the need to be of help, she provided it.

"Eye transplants are a thing, Sasuke. Maybe you should pick up a medical book sometime?"

He glared at her before he decided to ignore her.

"Let's cut the chit-chat here." Zabuza said, bending down on his knees, narrowing his eyes at Sid.

"You look familiar." He remarked.

Aw, shit. Here we go again. She sweatdropped.

Kakashi glanced at Sid. 'Looks like I'm not the only one who thought that.'

"Ahaha, you don't say?" She pulled at her collar.

"Really familiar."

"Um...I must've been one of the innocent girls you tried to kidnap-"

"You were with that Jashinast, right? Silver hair, loud, obnoxious?" He guessed.


"Yeah, and he has a scythe, too. Said he was gonna get you one when April rolled around."

"How the fuck do you remember that!?"

Ignoring her, Zabuza continued. "I'm guessing April is your birthday month?"

Gawking, Sid stared eye wide at the mist ninja before her. Kakashi hummed.

"Can you tell me anything else of the interaction you had with her and the man she was with?" He asked.

"Enough talk, let's fight. I have to kill that old geezer right away." Sighing at Zabuza's response, Kakashi readied himself.

Immediately did Sasuke and Naruto position themselves in front of Tazuna, kunai at hand.

SID (DISCONTINUED) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora