Chapter 20 (Sid VS. Kakashi!)

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Sasuke glared at her, teeth feeling the need to grind.

"Soooooo..." She grinned down at him.

"When do you think he's gonna come get me? Like I know damn well it don't take that long to fight my best friend. He is, without a doubt, pretty stupid." Sid said. "I'm really hoping he blows up one of my explosion tags. I worked hard laying those every which way, you know."

"Ah, really? It was pretty hard for me to avoid them, too."

Sid whipped around, only to see Kakashi several feet away.

"Bakashi! So, you show your face at last, aye?" Even though he's wearing a mask.

'Doesn't she know I'm wearing a mask?' Kakashi thought.

"I knew you couldn't resist me, and all of this."

She gestured to her body.

Kakashi sweatdropped, shuddering. "Never do that again."

"Do what?" Sid rose a brow.

Kakashi used his hand to gesture to Sid. "That."

"You just gestured to all of me!" Sid cried out in disbelief.

"Exactly." He gave her a closed eye smile. Sid gained a tic mark.

"Okay, smartass, let's see how hot you feel when I'm done with you."

"What are you doing to do, annoy me to death?" Sid smirked darkly at that.

"Not a bad idea, but no. Luckily for you, I'm only going to fight you." She cracked her knuckles. "I've waited my whole life for this."

"You haven't even known me for a week." Kakashi sweatdropped.

"SILENCE!" Sid bellowed. "Are you ready for the fight of your life?" Her bangs covered her eyes.

"I'm sure I can handle a small child." Kakashi replied mockingly.


"Tsk, tsk," Kakashi shook his head. "Language, Sid."

"JAPANESE, MOTHERFUCKER!" Sid grinned. "Now, get ready for my super awesome ass jutsu..."

"What, coming up with petty insults?" Kakashi rose a brow, causing Sid to shake her head.

"No, my bro. Listen motherfucker, this is gonna hurt like a buttcheek on a stick! So, prepare your stupidass for the beating of all time!"

She started forming random handsigns. "Forgive me, Lord Jashin, but I must follow the Chungus way this time, for I know if I use too much power, there will be no buttcheek to be put on a stick."

She slammed her hand on the ground, and smoke appeared. When the smoke dispersed, Kakashi seen Sid in the same spot she once was.

She looked up at him, smirking with a glint in her eye.

"You're even dumber than I thought." She commented.

"You didn't even do anything. What are you talking abou-"

The earth below him rumbled, and Kakashi didn't have time to dodge.

"UPPERCUT, DUMBASS BITCH!!" And Sid, indeed, uppercutted him. Kakashi, not one to let that slide, slipped something ironic onto Sid's stomach.

He jumped away, feeling the pain in his jaw. He didn't rub it, however, knowing that would give Sid the satisfaction she hurt him pretty good. 'That's going to bruise later. Didn't expect her to pack that much of a punch, then again, this is the same girl who tried to stab my eye with chopsticks.'

"Bet that hurt, didnt it?" She grinned, but Kakashi just gave her a smile.

"What?" She gained a confused look.

"Nothing, just..." He made a bomb gesture with his hand, his mouth making sounds behind his mask.

Sid widened her eyes, looking over herself before seeing an explosion tag on her stomach.

"Boom." She heard Kakashi say, and she smirked in frustration.

He really does want to kill me. She closed her eyes before reappearing on a branch, seeing the wood she replaced herself with get blown to pieces.

I was lucky he didn't place a major one on me. Damn it, he's going easy on me, then. She tched before she flipped off the branch she was on, putting something on it first. She seen Kakashi's silver hair glinting in the sunlight, making him look like he had white hair.

She landed on another branch, both of them standing across from each other.

"Only a kunai? I thought you were built different." She clicked her tongue, smirking. "Shame I was wrong, then."

"What happened to the fight of my life? I'm getting pretty bored right now." Kakashi pretended to yawn.

Sid smirked, jumping away. "Boom."

Kakashi jumped away just in time, chuckling to himself.

He landed on the ground, Sid across him again.

"Why hold back? I told you to come at me with the intent to kill."

Sid sighed. "I know, I know, but it really sucks when my enemy is holding back, too. Makes me think they're not worth my full energy, you know?"

"I would kill you if I came at you with even half my power." Kakashi remarked, making Sid smirk.

"Oh, I don't doubt that. But, you'd have to actually beat me first."

"I don't think that'd be too hard." He replied cooly.

Sid let a twisted grin etch onto her face at the audacity of her opponent. Lord Jashin, I might need your power, after all.

She could feel the frustration bubbling within her being. "You'd be surprised at my body count, then, if you think I'll go down so easily."

"Care to share the number?"

"Sharing is caring, didn't anyone ever tell you? And, too bad for you, I don't give a shit about you." She gave him a closed eye smile.

"The feeling's mutual."

Sid blinked, slowly taking this in. Technically, I'm his responsibility right now, right? So...if anything happens to me...

Sid smirked, taking an explosion tag out of her weapons pouch.

"You know you can't sneak up on me with that, right?" Kakashi said wearily.

"I know. And, Kakashi, I would be sorry it has to end this way, but..."

She smiled. "Who am I kidding? I've been wanting to die for a long time!"

Kidding, of course. I'm not suicidal, just reckless.

She thought before Kakashi slowly spoke.

"What are you doing with that explosion tag?" He asked her wearily.

Sid calmed her breathing. I have to focus for this to work.

Sid quickly put the explosive tag on her forehead, knowing Kakashi would try to rip it off her.

Kakashi's eyes widened, already running towards her.

"Sid, no!!"

"Boom." Sid said, and Kakashi swore he seen a flash of red before he was blown back by the force of the explosion.

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